
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Feety Pajamas: A Night To Remember

Feety pajamas: clothing in which covers you from neck to toe, zipping from the leg, up to the neck (fuzzy & warm).

Well you may be confused as to why I recited the definition of such an erratic word. However, I have much reason for this. I must tell you about a fun night I had with my dear friends.

It was December 9th, 2011. Madison's birthday. Madi wanted me to come a little early so that she and I could go get our late-present for Natalie. I hurried on over there. We went and got the present. When we went to check out, the lady made us aware of the fact that we had already paid online. We stared at her for a solid five minutes, clutched our gifts, and walked out confused. Madi had never paid online, so we were feeling like thieves for just a brief moment. She then concluded that it must have paid with her mom's card automatically. ANYWAY, that doesn't matter.

As we pulled up to Madi's house, Natalie had just arrived. We ran in the house, being oh-so-not-suspicious. The gifts got tossed into Corbin's arms as Natalie walked in the front door. WOOO. That was a close one. We attempted covering up the fact that we were running around like mad men.

We ate some leftover cake from lunch that day. Natalie and I had made it for her. Well, technically just Natalie. But, so did I. I knew that Corbin was down in the basement frantically wrapping the books. I decided to sneak out. I tip-toed down the stairs to find him hiding in the bathroom, wrapping the gifts. I joined him in the cramped toilet room, and I too, began wrapping the presents. We then ran out of tape and had to use ribbon to wrap the last present.

We were in the middle of wrapping when Madi and Natalie came down and started pounding on the door. I whispered to Corbin to pretend that I was not in there - because that would just be way too awkward. I told him to tell them that he was pooping and wanted his much-needed privacy. He did so and they walked away laughing at the fact, and probably a little suspicious, too. We finished and left the bathroom.

WE WANTED TO GET THIS PARTY STARTED. goodness. So, finally the Chapman train left at about seven. It was Jessi, Corbin, Syd, Madi, Natalie, and myself. We were going to meet Glade at the restaurant. When we got there, we were seated in a somewhat large booth. It was a humorous place, with cactus paintings strewn about the yellow walls. That's okay, the food was good. That dinner was quite the experience. We were all SO loud; I'm sure the employees and other guests wished of our farewell. They all observed that I have a small mouth. It became the entertainment of the night - for me to open my mouth as big as a could. I guess you could say I was the laughing stock of the evening. I have never laughed so hard and loud, I might add, my entire life. Jessi was in tears. What I found funny, because I couldn't see myself, was Madi's impersonation of my "small mouth." It was so gross.

After dinner, we proceeded to the Sheraton downtown. Us three drove separately from the fam. We jammed and chatted on our way there. We got excited when we saw the apple red Sheraton sign in the distance. We knew it would be a fun night, a night that we might cherish for life.

As we stepped through the glass doors of the beautiful hotel, we saw a comfy couch and planted our butts as Jessi checked in. She was being oh so sneaky and we were concerned. We kept our eyes on her, never losing her with her fire red hair. She was easy to spot, like Ariel in The Little Mermaid perched on her rock. She finally got us checked in after about twenty minutes. Good thing since we were all getting restless at the thought of wasted time in the glorious place.

We all trudged up to the hotel room. The room was ammmmazing. The bed was ginormous. We decided to have Madi open her presents. But first, there was a surprise. Jessi reached into my bag and pulled out three gifts - the ones Corbin and I wrapped - and handed them to us. We all opened them. Madi and I pretended not to know. It was Natalie's belated birthday present. It was the book that we made for her and we also got one for each of us. We all looked at it together; it was a tender moment as we sat perched on that hotel room bed. After that, we gave Madi her gifts. I gave her a dumb poem and twenty five dollars to spend at the mall. Then together, Natalie and I gave her a huge, framed poster of us three. She loved it.

We were all ready for the cake and the cake was ready for us. We looked over at it and it was melted all over. (It was and ice cream cake BTW.) We ran to get forks. Then we found some plates in the food room and ate the delightful cake. It tasted of pure heaven.

After eating the cake, being warned of misbehaving over the night, and preparing us for having our own night all alone at the hotel, Madi's family left. We were big boys and no one could stop us. We threw our suits on and went to look for the hot tub. Jessi escorted us down. We went outside - which was the wrong way - and got locked in a fence. It was frigid and we were prancing around trying to get the fence to open. Finally it opened and we ran back into the building. Then, the hot tub was in sight and we ran there. There were some not-so-friendly adults in there and it was awkward. We sat there in somewhat silence until EVENTUALLY they left the room. YAY. We had the hot tub to ourselves. We decided to do our annual "pretend Natalie's deaf" game, hoping someone would come in the hot tub. Someone did and they thought one of us was really deaf. The wife waved to get our attention when she needed to talk to us. We sat there in silence, while signing, for a good ten minutes. They stared at us in awe. Finally we decided it was time to leave. When we got up to the hotel room, we decided to take a bath in our suits. The tub was quite large, however, not large enough. We stayed in there for a LONG time.

When we got out, we put on our feety pajamas (refer to top for definition.) Then, decided to paw around the hotel. We got frightened on the elevator because of a scary movie, Devil. There were lots of mirrors, that's why. We all huddled in the corner screeching for dear life. When we came to an unknown level, we ran to the stairs to find an escape, but then ended up running back. Finally, we made it to the lobby. ALIVE, I might add. No, nothing popped out of the mirrors. We noticed that the desk clerks were suspiciously laughing at us. Well, we thought so anyway. We sat on the couch near them and the fire, and we too, laughed. We moved from place to place on that level, taking sits in various different places. Then we went to a lower level and danced and played follow the leader. I was the leader.

We were getting tired, so we went back up to the room. The bed looked comfy, so we all ended up there. Madi took her stance in the middle. She wanted to take pictures. I wasn't up for it because I was exhausted. They took pictures and also some of me as I slept.

In the AM, we went and ate some breakfast in our personal kitchen. When we got back in the room, we blasted the music and jammed out. We jumped on the bed and opened the screen door for all of downtown to hear and see. We sat on the deck with our legs over the edge. We made videos. Ask and you will see. Madi picked a wedgie even. You won't miss it trust me. We made a disaster and then cleaned it up.

Then, we got ready and went to Gateway. We went to American Eagle and then of course, Forever 21. We all found some lovely things. Then, we realized we were late for the movie we were going to see with her family. We pretty much ran from one end of Gateway to the other. We were dead by the time we got there. But, we made it because they movie we were seeing was having problems. yayayaya. We saw New Year's Eve. Such a cute movie. I would recommend it for you and your dog. As we walked out, they handed us free movie passes because of the technical difficulties. Funny thing is, it actually helped us since we were running late.

Well the fun was almost over. We had work later and we were all out of fun. We drove home with the sweet serenity and the beautiful love songs playing in the background.

Oh, how I love my sparkies. I can honestly say, my friends are better than yours. :)

Priceless moments.