
Monday, March 19, 2012

My Friends are DEF Better Than Yours

This happened some time ago. March 2nd of this year, to be exact.

The day of my birth.

Okay, so it wasn't that long ago.

But, it is definitely blog-worthy. My life has just been crazy lately and blogging has gotten thrown to the back burner. Sorry, blog, I still love you. You are still my favorite thing in this world besides maybe a few things. But, still.

Onward and upward.

I could tell you how I came about and all, but, you already know. Besides, you came to this world the same exact way. I mean, maybe mine was extraordinary to my parents, but not to you (whoever that is reading this, if anyone at all).

It was my eighteenth birthday.

My morning started out with dance practice at flipping five fifty AM. After dance, I went to get some help in math because there was a test that day. Madi came in and she brought me a donut. She is extraordinaire and I love her. I went about my day, getting many birthday wishes. Bekah Clawson even brought cookies for our whole seminary class. It was so nice of her! It was a pleasant birthday, to say the least.

Now, I could just end there. But, don't worry, there's more.

When I got home, I showered. Then I got ready because I was planning to at least do something with my friends. Payton wanted to curl my hair, so I let her. After I was all ready, I decided to take like a ten minute power nap. All of the sudden, my mother comes in saying that I can't take a nap for some odd reason. I didn't care. I was too tired to listen. Then, like ten minutes later (seemed like an hour), my mom comes running in saying that I am being kidnapped. My mom and sisters were freaking out and making me get up and get my stuff. Then, they blind folded me. They guided me outside and put me in a vehicle with blasting music. I knew it was Madi's car the second I stepped foot in there. No one would talk to me the whole car ride. It was very depressing. haha they did hit me with sticks and tie my arms together every time I would talk. I pretty much figured out who was in the car by the time we got to our destination because of their scents.

We finally arrived. Everyone got out except for one person. I knew it was Jennie because I could feel her dry thumbs against mine. They let us out of the car. Natalie carried me out. (I could hear her loud coat.) Then we started walking. I could smell cigarette smoke so I said it. Apparently there was a guy smoking and they were all embarrassed. It was hilarious. We went into a building. I knew that we were at the Spaghetti Factory because of the smell. I walked in saying that. They were all yapping at me to be quiet because I was disturbing everyone. I wasn't even talking that loud. They FINALLY let me take the blind fold off. They were all surrounding me. It was Jennie, Taylor, Madi, Natalie, and Cadee. I knew it!! haha. We got seated at a comfortable little booth. They gave me my presents. They got me a zhu zhu pet that we soon named Wiener Hammy. We let him crawl all over the table. The waiter was a little weirded out to say the least. Also, they got me the unicorn from despicable me. He can unzip and a house comes out and then he can go back in his house. It is so cute. They also got me this special lotion for my dry hands. (My hands have healed, btw.) They are so sweet and I love them all to death. We all ordered mizithra, of course. It was so good, as always. Very easy for the waiter, too! Cadee even talked the waiter into giving us extra ice cream. He was great. We left him a tip and put the money in this cute design. He better have been thankful. Lucky man.

After dinner, we decided that we would go answer Mike back for Junior Prom. We went to the store and got the stuff. When we got back to Tay's house, she had just gotten asked to Junior Prom. There was little boy boxer briefs around the room. They had letters in them. Tyler Jensen had asked her. So, what we did is painted our stomachs with "YES!!!" and headed out. Right as we were pulling out of the garage, Mike and all of his little buddies came running out of their car which they parked right in front of Taylor's house. We left. First, we answered Tyler. We knocked and he came out and we yelled Y-E-S-!-!-! and threw candy at him. It was hilarious. Then, we went to Isaac's house where the other guys were. We went sneaking down the street. When we got there, we laid out a poster that said "I would be grapeful to go to prom with you!" Then we did the same thing with our painted stomachs, but, threw grapes instead. They all ducked for cover as we threw them and ran away. It was pretty funny! When we got back, Tay's cousin told us all about her love life and stuff.

We had many intentions of crazy things we could do that night. Streaking, skinny dipping, pranks, etc. Well, none of that happened. It's okay. It was a great night!

I love my friends. They are truly the best.

They next day, my mom, Payt, Tay, Madi, and I went dress shopping and to Arby's. It was a fun, fun day! I love dress shopping.

That night, grandma and grandpa came over for my family birthday party. We had pizza and brownies with ice cream. It was a nice, relaxing night. I got lots of money and a big treat basket.

I am so thankful for the wonderful people in my life. I don't know what I would do without any of them.

Sincerely, a grateful progeny.