
Sunday, January 16, 2022


Here are the progression pics, with 30 weeks at the end! 

8 weeks

12 weeks

16 weeks

20 weeks

26 weeks

30 weeks!!!

We've made it to 30 weeks, which seems absolutely insane! Everyone says that I've really popped lately. I'd have to agree looking at this last picture. I'm so glad I've been taking these pictures to be able to compare them because sometimes I feel like I haven't gotten bigger. Although... my body tells me otherwise. 

We had another midwife appointment. Nothing too exciting happened. She said my belly is measuring right on and the baby is head down, which is great! We've been learning a lot doing our birth class and I'm feeling really ready to give birth... sort of. Some days I feel really nervous, but mostly I feel at peace about it. With all the Covid Omicron stuff happening, we're just crossing our fingers the U doesn't try to change any of their visitor policies. Right now, I can have Dan and my mom. It better stay that way!! I need their support. 

I've been feeling pretty good. I'm doing well with keeping up on my stretches to prepare for labor and walking on the treadmill. My lower back is starting to kill me and I'm dealing with my hands and arms falling asleep at night. But besides that, I'd say I'm feeling pretty good! I'm looking forward to my baby showers coming up this next month and knocking some more stuff off of my to-do list. It's also time to get my sub plans ready! So crazy. In the last month, I also got the paint touched up in the nursery. So all we really need to still do in there is just add the bins to the shelves so we can get things organized! 

OH - and we also bought a used Snoo with Tay and Kyle. We figured our kids will be spaced out in a way that we can share it. I'm SO glad to have that figured out. I've been so back and forth about going with the Snoo or not this whole pregnancy. 

I'll end with some more fun bump pictures. Can't believe that I'll be 34 weeks for the next bumpdate!

We CAN'T WAIT to meet you, little baby!!