
Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sunrise Date

So this morning was the surprise date that I have been planning for Mike for quite some time now. I knew that I wanted to do a special date close to the day that he would leave.

My wonderful friends Madi, Taylor, and Erika stayed at my house with me and at 3:30 am I sent them off to set up. They hiked Ensign Peak and made the perfect spot for us with a blanket, some pillows, flowers, and his gifts.

I picked up Mike around 4:30 and blind folded him. Needless to say, he was not too happy about that. I heard frequent whining coming from his mouth the whole car ride. He really thought that I was about to murder him. He was so scared. I'm so sure I would murder him. When we finally got there, he took the blind fold off. He had kind of guessed that we were going there. So, we began the hike. For some reason Mike was freaked out the whole way up and had to keep checking behind him. He was being so weird. I think maybe because of the lack of sleep. Lol. So when we finally got to the top, we walked over and there was the spot. It looked like a scene out of the Bachelor. He was really surprised and of course Mike being Mike had to figure out how it had gotten there. We got there just in time to watch the sunrise. I have to say that I was quite annoyed because the second we got up there, there were annoying boys. They were being really loud and smoking and swearing. It was not too peaceful. But I had to deal with the situation. Mike and I talked and just lay there. It felt so nice and the weather was absolutely perfect. I forgot to take pictures because I was just so in the moment. We were there for about an hour and a half. I let Mike open his present. I had made him a box of open when letters, a tie with a K on the back, a small photo album, a movie of us, and then I bought him a gratitude journal. He loved all of it. I had a letter that I wrote that I wanted to read to him. I wanted to wait until the people had left, but people kept coming. It was getting hot and so we packed up and hiked down. Mike wasn't as scared this time. Thank goodness. We were doing our funny names the whole way down. For example, Overwhelming Olivia, Sarcastic Simon, etc. It was pretty funny. When we got back to the car, I read the letter. It was really tough for me to get through the letter because Mike immediately started crying and that made me cry. It was such a special moment and I will remember it forever.

After that, we went to Village Inn. I was getting so tired. After all, I hadn't slept all night because I had to finish some of the gifts. We got our usual at Village Inn, the VIB meals. It was so good. I took Mike home after that. Then we slept.

It ended up being a great date and everything worked as I planned, except for the loud people on the up at Ensign Peak. I am so grateful for Mike.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Ten Days

I can't even believe that I am typing this. Our time is almost up.

Ten days left. Where has the time gone?

These last two months, since we finished school, have been crazy. We have been able to spend so much time together. I am so grateful for that. I have learned to cherish every little thing. I have held him closer, tighter. I have kissed him longer, harder. I have loved him and let him love me. As I hold his hand, I memorize all of the lines, moles, and veins - simply so that when he is away I can maybe remember the feeling better. I don't want to lose sight of this special thing we have. He is my one true love.

Here are some pictures from the last little while:


We attended Military Ball with a bunch of friends on May 11, 2013. It was such a fun night!




Mike was endowed June 8, 2013

We have spent time with his family and mine. We have spent time with our friends. Most importantly, we have made time to spend with just each other. That is so important.

This past week has been a blast. We got to go on vacation with Mike's family and then had a small over nighter with my family. So June 15-19, we went to Jackson Hole with his fam. It was a blast! We went to the Tetons, Yellowstone, rafting down Snake River, dinner at Bar J Chuckwagon, dinner in a tepee, mini golfing, and we played lots of games. It was so fun to spend time with him and his family. I feel even closer to all of them now. Erika and I shared a room. It was so nice to spend time with her. On the last night of our trip, mike was over in our room hanging out. I started to get sad when he was going to go back to his room. I started to realize that he only has fourteen days left. I walked mike out and just started crying. We sat out there for an hour. I didn't want to go back in because I didn't want to make Erika sad. Mike ended up going in there to let her know what was going on. I guess he started crying once he got in and Erika had already been crying. It turns out that she thought that we were breaking up out there. They came and got me outside and we all sat on the bed hugging and crying. It was so sad. I think it just hit all of us how soon it was. I love them both so much. Mike tucked us both in bed and went back to his room. Erika and I ended up staying up until four talking. We told each other secrets and just talked about everything. I told her that I will stay close to them even while mike is gone. It ended up being a great trip. I love mike and his family and I am so grateful they took me with them. They are the best.

Then on Friday, the 21st, we went to the Manti Pageant with my family. We had quite the crazy time. All of the kids were acting like psychos the whole trip. It was still a great time. The dinner was really good. Mike and I even talked to some protesters. It was really interesting and it was hard for us to answer their questions. It was interesting though and especially a good experience for mike. Mike liked the show. We stayed over night in this yurt. That was interesting but fun! There were lots of bugs and ash even found a worm on her bed. Patrick and my mom ended up sleeping in the car. Lol. What a night it was. We got food on the way home the next day and even stopped at The Red Barn for some ice cream. It was a fun little trip!

The last two months have been the best and I hope these next ten days will be ones to remember. Next time I blog, mike will probably be gone. Wish me luck!