
Wednesday, October 16, 2019


I'm not really sure how I found you. Scratch that. I know how I found you. I know that you had to make the choice to move here from North Dakota at some point and that my sister had to work up the courage in your class all year to talk to you and that my dad had to get involved and go to Parent Teacher Conferences and that we had to move from our old house for my sister to even attend where you taught and that your old relationship had to come to an end. But, I'm just not really sure how I got so lucky... so lucky for all of those little things to happen. 

Sometimes I think about what would have happened had I ended up with one of the others from the list of dweebs who couldn't quite make the cut. Life would be completely different. 

There was this one random night back in 2017 when we were out celebrating Ash's 16th birthday at the Spaghetti Factory as usual, when it was decided that mom and dad would go to Parent Teacher Conferences and talk to this "Mr. Silva" guy. Grandpa even offered to go with them at one point to arrange the marriage. I didn't think anything of it. Thought I might get an awkward free dinner date out of it, so hey, why not. 

But after some time talking about Ash at the conference, my dad shoved my picture to the face of Mr. Silva and long story short set us up. Of course Dan, red as a tomato, brushed it off with, "You have my email." Yeah, right. I emailed him and got complete crickets for a week. Until one day I got a random text from Mr. Silva and the rest is history. 

See, the thing is... I thought I had my whole life planned out when I was ten. I'd marry a Mormon, get married in the temple, have five kids, yada yada. The man I married couldn't have a beard, or hunt, or not be a Mormon, or... you get the point. You see, life never goes the way you plan it, cause you often times end up with that atheist bearded hunter... the one you swore you'd never even lay eyes on. Well, here I am. Happy to announce that when life goes the complete opposite way from the direction you had planned, well, it actually becomes everything ever wanted. You just didn't know what you needed when you were ten years old. 

Well Dan was worth it. He was worth every damn second of heart break and sadness. Because now I can't imagine my life going any other way. He is my safe place, my peace, my home. I said this in my vows and I'll say it forever... You don't want to find someone who only gives you butterflies, but someone who makes you feel safe and at home. 

Dan is the best kind of human. He's the kind who will try everything he can to make me laugh. He will help anyone and everyone who needs it. He will let me go workout while he does the grocery shopping. He'll cook me dinner and breakfast and make sure that I have my dessert. He will turn the lamp off every night. He'll love me unconditionally, wiping my tears, and holding me when I can't go on. He'll support me through the hardest times and smile with me during the happiest ones. He'll let me choose Chickfila as our Friday night out meal, like almost every time. He'll go with all your crazy travel dreams. He'll let me boss him around and nag him about getting the crumbs out of his beard. He'll make sure we keep up on my favorite shows. He'll get me special presents and flowers on the most ordinary days. The list goes on and on and on. 

He's so selfless and loving and genuine. I can't believe I found my best friend.

Cheers to us!

xx Kenzie

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