
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Family Trip to Oregon

Bayley and Kristine were getting married, so the whole family decided to make a trip out of it to Oregon. We seriously had the best time and loved getting to spend the whole week together. 

We decided to break up the drive to make it a little more bearable for us and Danny. He did amazing though! We would stop every couple of hours to let him stretch and eat. Then he would sleep while we drove! It worked out perfectly. We stayed in Boise on the way there and the way home. 

Wouldn't be a road trip without a little blow out, would it??

Dan made us reservations at Barbacoa for when we got to Boise the first night. It was a nice place, so we were excited to relax and enjoy ourselves. We tried to plan it during Danny's nap, but he must have heard that they had cool light fixtures there because he woke up as soon as we got there. Then he spent a majority of the dinner right there on Dan's shoulder, staring at all the light fixtures and making sweet little sounds. It's a good thing he's cute! Dinner was super yummy too. 

The little boys and their Pop Pop. 

Grammy helped with Danny's bath. Notice he had pooped in his tub. I actually noticed right as we took this picture. When we took everything out to rinse it all off, MY PHONE had been stuck under his back chair IN THE POOP WATER. Somehow, it survived. Thank you, Apple.

One night we went and had dinner at Mike and Dayna's. It was so great to see everyone! The next night was the wedding. We had so much fun taking Danny to his first wedding and getting to show him off. He was such a good boy. He only "lost it" (Dan's favorite phrase when talking about Danny crying like a normal baby) when we tried to get him out on the dance floor way past his bedtime. 

The house we stayed in in Portland was a little spooky. Ash said it reminded her of a scary movie. I had so much anxiety with the steep wooden stairs. We were glad to head out of Portland and make our way to our cozy house in Seaside after being there for a couple of days. But first, we had to get some groceries and Dan spotted some food trucks. This pulled pork mac and cheese was so good!

Lots of time spent in the car hanging out letting Danny stretch.

This was Danny's little setup for sleeping for the week in Seaside. I think he started liking sleeping in his lounger a little too much! When we got to the house in Seaside, we spent probably an hour and a half just figuring out which rooms we would have. We ended up getting the best one on the main level. It had the best natural light. 


We had to load up on fresh saltwater taffy! 

This day on the beach was pretty windy, so Danny and I posted up in this tent while everyone played Kube. He just wanted to eat and be soothed of course haha. I ate way too much taffy sitting on the beach. 

One morning, mom, Payt, and I went out for a nice stroll along the beach. Danny slept in his carrier so cozy the whole time. It was so nice! 

Mom and Payt collected lots of sand dollars

The OGs took a stroll on the boardwalk and got some yummy ice cream. It was nice to be kid-free for a bit! 

We went to Cannon Beach one day. We stopped at this yummy restaurant to get some lunch and then headed down to the beach. It was the perfect day and not too windy, luckily! Even little Danny got to dip his toes in the sand for the first time. At this point, dad was really sick and had to miss out. Little did we know, it was Covid. 


The next day after Cannon, more of us started feeling sick. I still went out on a nice morning walk with the two D's. Danny enjoyed the scenery and then took a nice nap on Dan. It was lovely! Later that day, I managed to go out and do some souvenir shopping with Dan too. Most of the fam spent the day resting since we were all feeling sick. 

We headed out the next morning and visited Whitney and Garret in Portland on the way out. We stayed outside since I wasn't feeling good. Right after seeing them is when we found out that the sickness we all had was Covid. We were so worried about Danny, but luckily, he somehow stayed healthy throughout.

We stopped to stay in Boise again on the way home. Dan never got the Rona and Danny stayed healthy, which was amazing! I was happy because I was supposed to go back to teaching on Friday when we got back, but obviously couldn't. So we've just been enjoying the weekend together and relaxing. 

Danny has been going through his second leap and is not sleeping the best, so we're just trying to survive over here haha. 

We are so grateful we got to take this fun family trip! Sad we all got the Rona... seems my dad picked it up from the wedding probably. Who knows. 

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