
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Epitome of Shocking

This is something important, I thought I should blog about. Back in March of this year, I was in dance company class. We were voting for people to be nominated Jr. Prom King and Queen. We nominated a boy, Philip. As tradition we nominate someone on dance co. for the girl. It was between all the junior girls of course. We voted once and it was down to Ally, Cadee, and I. I was surprised enough to have gotten that far. Then, we voted again, and they picked me! I was so shocked, yet happy. I was sure I wouldn't even get into the top three, but was just happy to be nominated by my teammates. That week went on, and on Thursday we were back in dance class. An SBO came in to deliver a note. It was for me. On the paper it said "Please wear Sunday best for the assembly tomorrow." That meant that I had gotten something! I was so excited. Then, the next day we performed and after that, they were announcing it. Taylor H. was helping me hurry and get dressed as someone ran in the room and said "They just announced it!" So, I just left my costume on and ran out there. I had gotten Prom Princess. It was a pleasant surprise. Something I thought would never happen to me. Ever.

Senior Ball

This year, in May, we had Senior Ball for our school. I asked a guy that I had met at EFY the summer before. I put a tub of butter on his porch that said "Dig In" on top. He had to dig through the butter and find a paper that said "Now that I've got you all buttered up, wanna go to Sr. Ball?" and then, he had to dig even farther to find all of the letters of my name scattered around in the butter. ha. He answered me by putting a container of jam on my porch that said "Now it's your turn to dig in on top" and then I dug in and it said "Now that you've got me all buttered up, I'll jam with you at sr. ball." I went with some close friends - Madi, Natalie, Madeline, Chelsea, Taylor, and Bekah. Our dates were Ethan, Kris, Nick, Nathan, Anthony, Kendal, and I went with a guy, also named Nick. For our day activity, we went to the mall and had a scavenger hunt. It was fun! The team I was on won. They other team tried to cheat! ha. Then, we took the men home and got ready. We picked them back up and got pictures with our parents. Then, we went downtown to have our pictures professionally taken by Madi's aunt, Tia. They turned out awesome. Then, we went to the Spaghetti Factory. The food was great and it was fun to just sit and talk to everyone. Everyone was crazy. It was really hard to go to the bathroom in our huge dresses, though. Taylor and Natalie squeezed into the stall with me as we helped each other go to the bathroom. That was funny, saying the least. We then went to the dance. It was at the Rice Eccles Tower. It was so fun! We all danced together and acted like idiots. Then, we took the men home and had a fire! It was a fun day. One that will be remembered.

Private Property: Who Knew

I was back from girl's camp. I was ready for an adventure. Natalie, Madi, Jennie, Thomas, Will, and I decided we would go river raft down a small river. We didn't know if it was okay, so we did anyway. We parked in the Discover Bank parking lot. Stupid, I know. It was closest to the river though, so we just did it anyway. We then blew up our raft. In the distance, we could see what looked like a work party going on. It didn't phase us. We hid our bags and such in the bushes, then jumped in the water. One paddle was short and caused us to be slow. As we paddled across the pond in our tightly packed raft, I splashed everyone to stir up the moment. Later, we found out we were in canal water; luckily we hadn't swam in it. We finally reached the other side where the river began. We were just barely out of the pond and into the river part, when we saw a cop. We all panicked like children as he waved his hand and said "come over here!" We paddled over, whispering to each other on the way, saying saying things along the line of "we aren't eighteen, so we can't possibly get in too much trouble" and, Madi - "I'm seventeen!" and, Me - "Yeah but you're not eighteen" and, Madi - "oh" and, "Let's just say we didn't know, cause we really didn't" and "I'm so scared!!" We reached the side where he was standing. He asked us where we had taken off and we all pointed "over there!" He was like "Could you be a little more specific?" We said "right by that bench!" "You do know this is private property? Right?" he replied. We were like "no, we didn't know that." Then he said "I don't care that you guys are in there, just be safe. Do you have life jackets?" We were like "no". Thomas said "But we are all really good swimmers" and Natalie was like "We have these!" as she held up the small blowup pillows. He rolled his eyes and said "If anyone asks, you took off at the golf course. There are paramedics over there if anything happens." We then paddled on to find a bridge to go under. It was small and had cobwebs hanging from the ceiling. As we went under, screaming of course, Thomas scraped them off with the paddle. Madi supposedly had a spider right by her face. (I didn't really believe it.) hahah. Then we paddled past these two men fishing. They were talking to us about fishing. Then, Natalie was like "when you catch some fish, you can bring it to us." He said "It's been weeks since I've ran on water!" He was hilarious. We decided to get out of the raft after that. We couldn't go back through to the private property, so we got out there. Madi, Natalie, and I walked back (all the way around the freaking building) to get the car and stuff in the bushes. We had no shoes on and our feet were scorching hot. We walked FOREVER, and when we finally got there.. we couldn't find everyone's stuff. We looked in all the weeds and finally found Jennie and Will's stuff. It was in these sting-your-skin weeds. Madi and I went through screeching. Then we dropped the stuff and I'm not going to say what happens next. It's obvious for some. We got the car. That adventure was fun, but also over. What a day!