
Monday, October 31, 2011

A Light? No Way.

Tonight I had an episode of spitting out my brownie a la mode, after laughing at some absurd remark by someone. We were at Chickfila, attempting to study for an exam tomorrow. SO, Madi freaked out and said "Oh, No!!! Your laptop!" and grabbed an unneccesary amount of napkins as I sat there, thinking it was just drops on the screen. It was "no biggy." I wiped it off, leaving marks to show the evidence. When I got home I decided to clean my laptop with some good ol' windex. I turned the computer off and proceeded to wipe with an old tattered sock from the rag bag. It was much to my surprise when I turned on my laptop, about one week new, and found that there were miraculous lights. There were lights beaming from the mouse touch pad, the Satellite logo, and the touch pad directly above the keyboard. I know that no one cares, nor knows what I am saying, but it was weird. I sat there, staring, for a good two minutes wondering what had happened. Had I just witnessed some kind of light from above, or had I simply wiped a key that turned the light on? I think I'll go with the second option.

That seems more practical.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Crazy Life at the Moment

Don't you just hate when life literally just feels as though it is flying by? Freak, this month has been so crazy that I have hardly had the chance to blog. Currently I should be writing an essay, but, I think I'll procrastinate that for tomorrow. I'd rather be blogging - for no reason at all - anyway.

Why is my life so crazy right now, might you ask?

For one) Math is crazy and I have my final test this WEDNESDAY. yikes. Why am I not doing my math right now? Beats me.
For two) Dance Company has to be doing Sadies stuff in the busiest of all weeks.
For three) I have two essays due tomorrow.
For three) I have to finish reading my long english book by this Thursday, and might I say, that I am only on chapter seven or eight.
For four) Deciding where to go to college and how to even get there.
For five) I'm blogging right now, not doing my homework.
For six) I am almost an adult. Like, really.

okay, I think I got everything for now.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I had to write this poem for my writing class, so I decided to put it on here.

I Am poem
I am from an imagination-filled sandbox,
from floral dresses and ninnyhammers.
I am from the achievement-covered fridge
and the dust atop the untouched piano.
I am from the un-watered plants in the kitchen,
whose dead leaves fall, shriveled and uncared for.

I am from holiday decals and empty band aid boxes,
from Decatur and Marguerite.
I am from old-fashioned chivalry and decadent smirks,
from egotistical food-grabs and smart remarks.

I am from thought-out prayers,
rice pudding and best cake,
fresh out of the oven.
I am from the sound of a child being struck by a car,
and from a sweet mother,
killed in a fatal accident.

In the dark of the cold basement,
was a dress-up box filled with memories,
costumes, that I then, wiggled on my small child body.
I am from the moments abiding in laughter-filled rooms,
aside that dusty, untouched piano.