
Monday, November 21, 2011

H&M: The Story of My New Hero

Well... I have a new love. It's not the kind of love that you are most probable to be thinking of, but rather the love of might I say, shopping. I know, I know, this isn't the first blog post I have made about this addiction, but the second.

This one is different. This is a story about my new hero. He is a store. His name is H&M.

Well you see, my friend Natalie introduced me to this store that was having a grand-opening! I had no previous ideas about the store; it was new to my ears. When she asked me to sojourn with her to this lovely store, I said I would tag along just because I love shopping.

We arrived at the mall and were amazed to see the H&M 'tourists' as they snapped photos of the beautiful opaque building with the apple red letters that spelled H&M. We laughed at the sight. Parking was another story. Let's just say we parked at the bank. As we approached the clean glass doors of the new building, we got stopped by a security guard whom then led us to a line that wrapped for what seemed like a decade to a couple of shopping fanatics. There was not an option; we didn't even question the length of the line with ourselves nor each other as we stepped in line with the excited 'tourists.' We stood there gawking at the people; they were all fascinating. It was as if someone had grabbed all of the same-dressed ladies and placed them in that specific place at that specific time.

We waited in the horrendously long line for about forty-five minutes just to get in the store! When we got in, the music was so loud. It was a very swift beat that made you want to shop very quick. (I believe that was their goal.) It was driving me bonkers as I sped through the endless clothing racks. I lost Natalie several times and then somehow found her. When were finished, we got our spot in yet ANOTHER LINE. That line lasted about thirty minutes. After trying on clothes, deciding what we wanted to purchase, getting in the check-out line, and paying, we were completely worn out. We got out of there ASAP.

NOW... I know I have said a lot of negative words about my so called "hero"; however, I am not putting down this store. Remind me not, but I did put my title as "The Story of My New Hero."


three hours. Dear new hero, you were worth every second. I love you to pieces.

More on my new hero to come. Don't tune out.

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