
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Mission Call

On February 28, 2013, Mike had everyone over to open his mission call. It was such a bitter-sweet night. I had such a weird feeling that was unexplained. I was so anxious and excited for him. At the same time, everything was becoming so real. This was really happening. He was really leaving. His family had a giant map of the world on the wall where everyone guessed where they thought he would be serving. I guess Boston, Massachusetts. I honestly had no idea of where to guess, so this was kind of a wish of where I WANTED him to go. Just somewhere in the states.

I could tell that Mike was really anxious as he waited for everyone to arrive. I watched as he went around from person to person, making sure that he talked to everyone. He had been waiting SO long for this moment and it was finally his. My dad was the last person that we were waiting for. It turned out that he was not going to make it for another twenty minutes so he told us to just go on without him. Mike sat in a chair in his family room and just started ripping it open. Everyone caught on and began to video. I did not know whether to go sit next to him or to stand with everyone else. My mom and friends kept nudging me to go and sit by him so I finally did. As he opened his call and started to read, his voice broke and I started to tear up. This was finally happening. As he read Kingston, Jamaica, I had so many emotions. I was so thrilled yet nervous at the same time. Everyone knows that I had been hoping for a state-side mission. The opposite always happens, of course! He is to arrive at the MTC on July 3, 2013. The mission is English speaking.

Needless to say, it was such an emotional night. Everyone had gone around nine thirty and it was just me and his family with him. We all sat in the family room and talked about what it would be like for him. I was so glad to be there with them. We looked up pictures and read some of the things that he had received with his call.

We both look quite terrible, I know.

They all went to bed later and we just lay on the couch and held each other. It was so nice to be alone. We just talked about how cool it was and how we knew we could get through it. I started crying and I talked to him about how the night had been for me. I told him how I had felt distant from him and shut out. He told me how he was just nervous and he couldn't think about anything else but opening his call. He told me he was sorry that I had felt like that. I guess I just felt so distant from him because he had been talking to everyone else and I just wanted to be with him. We talked about so much and it was so good to finally be back in his arms. (He has been away at school and was just home for the weekend.) I cherish my time with him because it is never long enough.

Anyway, it was a great night and I am glad we talked about our feelings. I think the whole thing was emotional for both of us. So, all I can say now is... Kingston, Jamaica, here he comes! And here's to this journey!

Sincerely, a very lucky girl

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