
Thursday, February 4, 2021

phase 1: the hustle and the prep

Welp. Here we are - day 1 of IVF. It's official! 

I wanted to give a little update on what these last few weeks have looked like. The doctor told us it was hustle time a couple weeks ago and boy was she right.

The past couple of weeks have consisted of an MRI for me, a sperm sample for Dan (that will be frozen for backup), playing games with insurance trying to get them to cover some of the meds, making some huge payments (you have to pay in full before starting), ordering meds, being overwhelmed by meds, rearranging our schedules, Covid tests, acupuncture and foot zoning for me, a blood test for me, so much researching, lots of manifesting, lots of panic, and lots of second-guessing. Are we doing the right thing? 

But, WE MADE IT! Here we are, IVF day one. I can't believe it. January flew by in the blink of an eye and I have a feeling this month will too. 

Today was our baseline ultrasound - cycle day 3. We woke up bright and early for our 7:30 am appointment. They wanted to make sure everything was "quiet". They check for cysts on the ovaries and any other issues with an ultrasound. Everything looked great! They even counted 14 follicles in my ovary!!! Side note: it has been confirmed that I indeed only have one ovary (which means my kidney COULD be missing too, WHAT? Ultrasound to come on that soon). Crazy, right?! I also have low AMH, meaning my egg reserve is a smaller quantity for my age. This has scared me. However, because of my age, they should be really good quality. So, they were all shocked when they counted 14 follicles. This number kind of sheds a little light on how many eggs might be retrieved. So it could be more or less than 14. It just depends on how I react to the meds (which I'm on the highest doses due to low AMH). 

After the ultrasound, we sat in the office with our nurse, Denise. She'll work with us the whole time alongside Dr. Verrilli. We love them both! She answered our questions about injections and all the things. We also went over our calendar for everything. 

So, here we go. Stimulation shots start tonight! Eeek. I'm so nervous for Dan to stab me. We are going to quarantine until next Thursday (my last Covid test), so we don't risk getting Covid. Covid would cancel the entire cycle and we'd lose all the money from the meds already taken. So we are laying low for a bit. So today I got some new books to keep me occupied through all of this. I also got some foods that are recommended for IVF - a lot of antioxidants. I picked up some dried fruit also to hold over my sweet tooth while I lay low on the sugar. 

We're excited and nervous, but so so glad it's finally here! Can't wait for our good news at the end of the month! Will we transfer one or two?!

The day I received this giant box of meds on my doorstep was very overwhelming, to say the least. I am not one to enjoy putting things in my body. I refuse to even take ibuprofen unless I'm dying. So this was a lot and a hard hard day. BUT things are looking up and I'm feeling better about it. It will all be worth it. 

I'll update soon on how this week goes with stims and ultrasounds and blood draws! I'll go in Monday for my first follicle check and blood draw. 

We can do this!! 

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