
Saturday, February 19, 2022

Life Update

I thought I'd do a little post with some pictures of happenings lately. It's been all about baby showers, birthdays, and family around here! 

We had so much fun ringing in the new year with these cuties at Tay and Kyle's! Rach and Wade are off to live in Arizona for a while, so it was nice to see them one last time. We rang in the new year listening to "22" by T-Swift! How perfect! 

We had a fun hike up Millcreek with the fam! Look how cute Dawsy is in his hiking backpack. He absolutely loved it and even fell asleep!

We took a few day trip to Florida for CBX's Christmas party. It was fun to meet all of the people dan works with. We had so much fun relaxing and getting to watch T.V. in bed - a luxury for us! We didn't take a lot of pictures. I guess we were too busy relaxing. 

I had a little girls' day with my mom and sisters. Dawsy joined us for pedis and Olive Garden! It's so fun to have him with us. 

I had Madi, Tay, Jenn, and Nat over to hang out. We got dinner at Redrock and then Jennie did some reflexology on everyone (except the preggo). It was so fun to hang out and relax with all of them! 

Tilly finally got brushed after months of not! She sure does love it. 

We celebrated this cute father of mine by going to Buffalo Wild Wings and then having sundaes at their house after. His birthday always kicks off our birthday season!

We got Jazz game tickets for dad for his birthday and gramps for Christmas! It was so fun to all go together! We had them over for dinner before and then headed to the game. 

Madi and I threw a little shower for Kale and it was so much fun! We loved getting to celebrate her and baby girl. Can you believe she is due 12 days before me! I have loved getting to go through this pregnancy journey with her and I can't wait for our babies to be besties. 

Rach is pregnant too! Due in June! So fun to have other mom best friends. 

My best friends threw me the most special shower ever. They seriously made me feel so loved. We had some yummy food, put together flower vases, and played some fun games. I just love each and every one of them. I have no idea how I got so lucky to have them all in my life. I'll remember this night forever. 

Dan and I have been putting together some baby items lately! Obsessed with our stroller. I cannot wait to use it. Thank you, Auntie Sarah and Uncle Nic!

My countdown chain for school! It's now down to 8 links. What??

We got to celebrate Ashy's 21st birthday at a fun Mexican restaurant. We also took her out dancing that weekend. She had fun, but says she thinks one night of that was good for her! haha. I don't know how I did it 34 weeks pregnant. 

My cute sisters, mom, and some friends threw me a really special big shower with everyone. There were so many friends and family there. I loved getting to see everyone. Baby Silva sure did get spoiled! Weren't the decorations so pretty!? Madi is the queen of balloon arches by now! I told her she needs a break from them after making three all within a week. HA! I'm so grateful for all the people in my life who made these showers so special for me. 

And that's the update! Lots of baby things. Lots of family. Lots of birthdays (mine's next!). Lots of friends. So grateful for our people.