
Sunday, February 13, 2022

34 Weeks!

Here are the progression pics leading up to now! It's so fun to have these to look back on and compare. Sometimes I don't realize how much my belly has grown since I see it every day. How are we already at 34 weeks!??

8 weeks!

12 weeks!

16 weeks!

20 weeks!

26 weeks!

30 weeks!

34 weeks!

34 weeks... wow, how have we already made it this far?? I am shocked every time I think about it. This baby is going to be here SO SOON. In like 6 (or less) weeks! Boy has my body started to feel it these past few weeks. My lower back is killing me from the weight of my belly. Especially when I'm up moving around a lot at school. 

This month, I, unfortunately, developed pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel. It has been awful. I shouldn't even be typing this right now. But I figure it's better to keep using my hands than not. About six weeks ago, I started dealing with my hands falling asleep really bad at night. It just kept getting worse and worse. Then a few weeks ago, my right hand start to feel numb and tingly during the day too. Now, both hands are numb and tingly 24/7. My right is worse than my left, which has been hard since that's my dominant hand. Teaching has been so hard, to say the least. So I've decided to be done on March 4th. That will officially be my last day and I could not be more excited. I have 8 DAYS LEFT. You better believe I am counting down the seconds. I cannot wait to just be home with Dan and nest and relax. That's all I want to be doing right now. I'm chipping away at my sub plans slowly but surely. I've started wearing wrist braces at night, which is helping my hands with not falling asleep so bad, so that has been great! I'm just getting so uncomfortable though that sleep is not the same. 

I've started my 6 dates a day, which is supposed to help with easier labor somehow? I've also officially started my stool softeners. Yay! Haha. We also bought some depends at the store for postpartum. That really made things feel real. It's getting glamorous around here. I had my baby showers too and we got so much awesome stuff! We're so grateful. I am feeling very ready. Dan's been working on thank you cards since my hands are so bad. What a sweetie. 

Besides all that, I've been loving feeling the baby move so much. Their little butt/back likes to get real cozy up in my right ribs. It gets a little uncomfortable sometimes, but I don't care. It just reminds me that they're there. 

We're ready for you, little baby! Cook just a little longer though!

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