
Sunday, April 17, 2022

danny: one month

I can't believe my little baby is already a month old. Boy, does time fly just like everyone says. I'm going to blink and he'll be 18. I just want it to slow down a little. This is one special little boy. His birthday on St. Patrick's Day and now he's a month old on Easter! 

The favorite parts -

Danny's little Epstein Pearl (everyone calls it his little tooth)
All the baby snuggles
Dan calling his clothes "corduroy" (they're ribbed)
Getting to pick out his clothes every day
Folding his itty bitty laundry (so therapeutic to me)
Seeing Dan become the BEST DAD
Working as a team with Dan
Feeling an unexplainable amount of gratitude for this baby
Watching Danny hold his head up
Danny getting really good at nursing after a rough start
Our walks around the neighborhood with the stroller
Everyone meeting Danny for the first time
Listening to Dan "sing" Danny his bedtime stories
Bathing him together
His first dinner out to the Mandarin
Seeing him start to look at his black and white cards
His eyes turning more blue

The hard parts - 

Very sleepless nights - I get the worst anxiety at bedtime
Finding time for ourselves
Balancing family and work/baseball
Putting his lotion on him - he screams the entire time
Reliving the birth trauma 
Accepting my new body
Sucking out Danny's boogers
Making time for our relationship
Intrusive thoughts
Paranoid about EVERYTHING - especially germs

We love you, Danny! Thank you for making us parents. We are SO lucky we get to raise you together.

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