
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Welp. LIFE.

That's all I have to say.

 I'm just kidding. There's more. A lot more.

I spent my last couple of weeks with Mike at the beginning of August. We had some great times. We went to seven peaks, went to a wedding, went on dates, ate taquitos, listened to music, talked about our future, walked around temple square, spent time with my bike-wrecked brother at the hospital, argued a little, talked on the phone, watched movies (including my favorite movie, The Notebook), cuddled, kissed, and I did what I do best, smothered him. Lots. It's okay, though, he loves it.

So I guess you could say that we had some fun times our last days together. I enjoyed them, but, I always had "he's leaving" hanging over my head. It was hard to ignore.

The day came, August 16th, and we were on our way to St. George. My family, excluding my dad, and Madi's family, excluding her dad, all went. I guess you could say that it wasn't what I expected. It was a very, very fun trip, just being with my family and friends, don't get me wrong. But, it wasn't the way I wanted to leave Mike. We had some rocky times in our relationship. In the end, we talked about how we were feeling and fought it out so that we didn't have to end on a bad note. The last night I was there, he took me to Chili's, we swam in our hotel pool, and I gave him his present. I made this book for him that was 101 reasons why I love and adore him. I gave that to him and we both cried. It was one great night. I wish the rest of the trip could have been, also. The next day, Sunday, we stopped at his apartment to say goodbye. It was so hard. I cried when I walked away and when I got back to the car, my mom started crying, which made everything worse. I hated leaving him.

While he was away, I worked, went to school, and repeated. I talked to him a ton and we skyped, too. So, not so bad.

So, I guess the hardest part is over... taking him up there. Plus, I have gotten to see him much more than I thought I would. It is usually every two weeks. He came home August 30th and then left September 3rd. We had and AMAZING weekend together. On Thursday we played "catch up" when he got home. It was so great to see him. That night, we just hung out, watched tv, listened to music, and just enjoyed each other's company. Friday, we went and saw The Odd Life of Timothy Green. It was an adorable movie, to say the least. Very sad, however. I would definitely recommend it, though. After the movie, we spent the rest of the night at my house. I made us burnt grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches. He played some video games with Davis. Saturday, I went to the Bee's game with his family. It ended up getting rained out, so we went and saw Possession instead. Very good, but, very scary! Sunday, I did not see him because he had a party and was seeing a good friend. Then, Monday, I went to Snowbird with his family. It was for the Oktober Fest. I really enjoyed being with them. They are such fun people to be around. But, then came the dreaded good bye as he took me home after Snowbird. It was hard, even harder than the last time. Tears were shed, and he was on his way back to St. George.

Welp, another two weeks passed and it was time to go to St. George. Tay, Madi, Natalie, and I all went together. It was the epitome of an amazing weekend. I seriously think it was the best I have ever had. Mike and I got to spend literally every second together. I was so glad that Austin and Isaac joined us, also. We climbed up dixie rock, ate at Taco Bell, window shopped, swam in Taylor's aunt's pool, had sleepovers (so fun, but unusual with the guys), visited Tay's grandma (so cute), watched some sports games, got smoothies, and Mike and I enjoyed dinner at Chili's (our only alone time, really). What a blast it was! This weekend will be one to remember forever.

Anyway, I am so thankful for my friends. They have helped me so much while Mike has been away. They give me lots of fun times and make me so happy. I love them so much and I don't know what I would do without them.

And, we were off again. Yet another, awful, dreaded goodbye. But, I just have to wait for the next visit. He is coming down next weekend. YAY.

You know what they say... "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." It is true! I am closer to Mike than I have ever been, even though we are so far away from one another. We are making it work.

I love the crap out of him.

Sincerely, a very, very, lucky girl. <3

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