
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Blog is a Girl's Best Friend

I haven't written on this thing for so long. I could go on and on to say that I have been very busy, but, there is no excuse.

This blog deserves a little more attention than I have been giving to it.

Seriously though, life has been so busy. However, busy in a good way. I have been adoring life.

I guess that's a good way to put it.

Welp, tonight I think I may be coming down with a slight case of insomnia, so, I am deciding to give my blog some much-needed attention.

Let's do some catching up here...

First off,

I feel very blessed with all that has come into my life at this time. The other day at church I was called to be a primary teacher, now that I am old enough. This was the perfect opportunity for me. I absolutely love working with kids. I was ecstatic.

I guess you could say that I have been struggling spiritually lately. I just feel distant. I have been trying to do better, which, is working very well for me, surprisingly. Mike and I decided to read the Book of Mormon together and that has brought me so much closer to my Savior the past ten days. We don't always get to read together, but we stay in the same place for each night. It has worked very well.

I know that this new calling that I have been given is going to help me so much. It will enable my testimony of this gospel to grow more, while I am doing what I love. I can hardly wait.

I knew that something was missing in my life. I think I have regained that missing piece, finally.

Second off,

I met Mike. You may think this name looks familiar. That's because I have written about him before. So much has happened since those last blogs, though. Our relationship has grown so immensely. I am so grateful and lucky to have him in my life. I love him.

So, yes, a lot of my time has been spent with this Mike guy. But, every second I spend with him is worth it. He makes me the happiest person in the world. We complete each other, and that's all I can ask for, is someone that will better me as a person. He does just that, and I hope that I do the same for him.

I have approximately twenty-four days left with the person that I absolutely adore, and I HAVE to make every second count. He is attending Dixie State for college and I am attending Salt Lake Community College. Without him, it will be hard, don't get me wrong. But, it will be worth it. Our relationship will be tested and I am sure my love for him will grow even more. Also, it will better prepare me for when he leaves on his two-year mission next year.

I can honestly and whole-heartily say that I hope to spend the rest of my life with this man. To me, he is perfect. He is everything I ever wanted.

Third off,

I have been having a fantastic summer! Which, gives for little blog time. Or, maybe it's the fact that I am a lazy, graduated, high school student, enjoying these last few childhood moments. Who knows! Although a good amount of my time is spent at the ol' chicken house, I have been able to have some fun. My dear friend, Madi, brings me lots of joy. We have even developed our own language that has clearly been adapted to by several of our loved ones. You guys can all thank us later, for creating the language. Madi, me yoves you yots. We have had many fun adventures together this summer and I am proud to say that we will still be joined at the hip for college, too. Yes, we have three classes together. Crazy, I know. But, we can't be separated. It will be an adventure! But, no I am not ready for real life and the college world to set in. My other best friend, Natalie has been working up at Bear Lake a good portion of the summer. I have not seen her much at all, which saddens my heart. But, she found this guy. I think he makes her really happy. She will be home soon, though. YAY! We can reunite. She, too, is going to SLCC with her two best buddies.

Fourth off,

Fourth off, I have been trying to give my family some attention. I know they probably feel like they are pushed to the back-burner sometimes, but I have been trying harder during the summer to do more things with them. It is just difficult for me to be around a lot during the school year. It is highly important to me that I find a good balance. This summer has been perfect. We have gone swimming, hiking to the hot springs, hiking to a lake, girls' day out, etc. I have enjoyed every second. I love them and am grateful for each one of them and all that they do for me.

So, yes, blog, I guess you could say that I have found a new love (you used to be mine) and I have been extremely busy, or maybe just having a lot of fun. This summer, although not over yet, will definitely be one to remember. I just know it.

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