
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

life lately

Wow! Life lately has been crazy. I feel like I always say that though. It just seems like there is always so much going on. I wanted to drop some photos of the last couple of months here. 

We had the absolute best time in Ohio! It was a little hard for me mentally since that was right when everything was going down after our transfer (read my previous post). But I tried to enjoy my time there with family and it was a really great distraction. Dan loved getting wings at grandpa's bar just about every day. Great-grandpa made us laugh so much as usual. It was the best time. 

Dan started playing hockey with Kyle, Wade, and Danny! So lots of time has been spent at the rink. It's been so fun to watch! Dan is loving having it as an outlet. 

We celebrated these cuties in April. For Dan's birthday, we had all of his friends over for some beer tasting, which ended up being so much fun! I still can't believe he's 33. 

BIG NEWS!!! We bought a lot. A .55 acre lot!! We are so excited. We never thought we'd live in Eagle Mountain, a few houses away from the Gunns. We can't wait to start building. We've spent so much time looking at house plans trying to figure out what we like. It's been the best! What an adventure we have ahead of us. 

We threw a fun little bridal shower for Tay. It's been so fun having all of these wedding celebrations! We had some yummy food, played games, and all gave her some sentimental gifts. Did I mention it was a PJ party? Best idea ever! 

Tilly continued loving having me work from home. I finally decided that I'm going to teach again next year in person after lots of thinking! I almost quit, but was given the opportunity to teach 4th for next year instead of a 4/5 split. So I'm happy to have that decision made! 

Some of the China friends were in town in April for Brooke's wedding. It was so good to see all of them. Kale, Dak, Madi, and I all got together for a quadruple date. We went to Slackwater, ax throwing, and got Leatherby's after. Zoom in and notice Dan's shoes I had to wear since I wore sandals to ax throwing. 

Wait, you don't even need to zoom in to see it they're so big.

We threw a beautiful baby shower for my baby sis! It turned out so great even with all the crazy wind. She got so many amazing gifts and we got to see so many people. I sure can't wait to be an auntie to little Dawson! 

Payt trying to find pregnancy undies! Us sisters and mom had a fun little girls' day for mom's birthday. We got Slackwater and shopped at Target. 

I had the best time in Vegas, Palm Springs, and Joshua Tree National Park for Tay's bachelorette party. We drank lots, laughed a lot, drank out of weiner straws, swam, relaxed, stayed up way too late, and just enjoyed being with each other. It was so fun to get away. I definitely needed it!

I had to start birth control again after finally getting my HCG back down to 0. Bleh! 

Spent lots of good time with these cuties. I love how much we see each other. :)

I finally brushed Tillers after like six months. 

We got to celebrate cute Z turning 3! Can't believe she'll be a big sister in a couple weeks. We all love her so much! 

We got in for my water ultrasound today. Here's a fun drawing explaining my uterus. Things are being postponed a little more than we thought. My uterus is heart-shaped and has a small dip in the top of it (picture in the middle). We've actually known this. Today was just to look at it closer. It is actually pretty common and Dr. Verrilli doesn't think it should cause an issue, but just to be sure they want to do a hysteroscopy procedure in a couple weeks. They'll go in with a camera and check the dip to make sure it doesn't need trimmed or anything. If it does need trimmed, she'll trim it during the procedure and also check for polyps and remove those too if they're there. This will help us to be sure my uterus is in tip-top shape for our next transfer. Then we have to wait a couple weeks after that to start transfer meds. Transfer meds will be a couple weeks and then it will be the transfer. So we're looking at the beginning to middle of July for the next one. 

We were pretty bummed about it today, but then we realized it's actually for the best. This next month and a half will be crazy with Tay's wedding stuff, throwing a baby shower for Allie, and Payt having a baby. I think it will be best to wait anyway because July is wide open. So here we go, waiting again. BUT, I think it's best-case scenario. Not so excited for the birth control the next little while. 

I'll be back with an update soon on all of this! 

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