
Monday, July 5, 2021

It's time for transfer #2!

I know I haven't updated on the IVF stuff for a while. It's because we have had some setbacks due to some things that needed to be done. Originally, we were hoping to transfer early June. We had a water ultrasound (I talked about that a little in the last post) and "next steps" appointment at the beginning of May and thought that we'd start prepping for the next transfer right away. But after our water ultrasound, she decided that she wanted to make sure that the dip in my uterus is not blocking the blood supply. She was pretty sure it wasn't, but figured we might as well take the extra steps to know 100%. I'll put a picture here of my uterus. This shows the dip in the top. Normally, there is no dip and the top is pretty flat. The Y-shaped thing is my uterus. Luckily, my dip is a variant of the "normal uterus" since it's only about 9 mm deep. It mostly just means there's less room in there (aka multiples would be hard). 

So, on June 2nd, they did a hysteroscopy. It was a little bit more intense than I expected. We went in super early and they got me hooked up to the IV. When it was time, they put me to sleep and they went in with a camera to look closer at the dip to make sure blood supply to the uterus was good. They also found a polyp that they ended up removing. Overall, they found that my dip shouldn't be causing any issues, but it was nice to have that confirmation. I get so freaked out being put to sleep. It always feels like there's so much going on in there and so many doctors over me as I fall asleep. When I woke up, I was saying some pretty funny stuff to Dan. I can't believe I'm putting this picture on here of me. I look so swollen. Luckily, I felt great that day once the pain meds wore off! 

So once that procedure was over, it was a couple weeks of letting my body heal and then I started taking estrogen pills twice a day around the middle of June. Luckily, I've felt pretty okay on them. I do feel the lack of motivation and energy, but I've been trying to push through. 

I've been working so hard to prepare my body to be in the best place possible, mentally and physically. I've been working out lots, doing my best to eat healthy, doing acupuncture, doing fertility stretching, taking my vitamins, drinking POM juice and red raspberry leaf tea, and eating my dang brazil nuts (hate those by the way). I went in this last week for a lining check and it looked good. They wanted it to be above 7 mm at that point and it was 7.5 mm. I am sure it has grown even more by now. 

Yesterday, we started the super fun progesterone shots (aka giant needles in the butt for 10 weeks). Can't believe we're back to doing those again, but it's all for the babe! We'll do whatever it takes. 

Transfer is THIS FRIDAY!! What?! I can't even believe that it's here! It really did come so fast. I feel so much better this time than I did going into the last transfer. I just feel strong. I feel healthy. I feel like my body is ready to take hold of this embryo and grow it for the next 9 months. This break has been nice for me. We'll be using our next best embryo. It's graded 4BA. Ready or not, here we go! Stick little baby, stick!

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