
Monday, July 12, 2021


I'm finally getting around to writing about our second transfer. I'm now 3DPT (three days past transfer), so I thought I'd better get my thoughts down. This transfer went SO much smoother than last time. It was such a relief. I'll give a rundown of our day. 

We had our transfer on Friday, July 9th. I woke up nice and early (not normal for me) so that I could have a nice, relaxing morning. Dan slept in, so I had a quiet house to myself. I showered and washed my hair, made some scrambled eggs, and wrote a letter to our embryo. That really helped me to get in the right headspace. I also watered the flowers so I wouldn't have to do that later. I woke Dan up and he got ready. Then we were off to our big day. I had acupuncture first, so Dan dropped me there. It was so nice to lie there and relax so I could get my mind right. Then Dan picked me up and we headed straight to the U. 

When we got to the U, they put us in a room to go over consent, take my vitals, and take my valium. I had requested valium because my last transfer was so rough. They gave that to me and told me it would take twenty minutes to kick in. Before that, Dr. Verilli brought in the picture of our embryo. Thank the heavens, it survived the thaw! There's a 1/20 chance they don't survive the thaw, so I had been worried about that. So we already know it's a strong little one. This is our 4BA embryo. It looks amazing according to the doctors. Dan thinks that little thing sticking out is a weiner. He's clearly hoping for a boy. Haha. Isn't it crazy that that little thing is a makeup of Dan and me? Like what? 

First family photo! 

After about twenty minutes in the prep room, they took us over to the transfer room. It gave me all the feels since it was the same room we were in last transfer. It really brought back a rush of emotions. They gave me some lucky socks that I was just going to take home, but Dan insisted that I put them on. Since I was pretty high in the sky, Dan had to do it for me. I was trying to slowly drink water so I didn't have a suuuuuuper full bladder like last time. Anyway, the next part went really fast, like seriously five minutes. Dan held my hand as they raised the bed, made me spread my legs, inserted the speculum, then the catheter (it slipped right in this time, btw). Then the embryologist showed our embryo on the screen. It was pretty cool because there was this bulge coming out of the side. They said that meant it was hatching and "looking for me". I thought that was the sweetest thing. I think once it thawed, it had started hatching. The embryologist then brought out our little embryo in a tiny tube. They placed that tube through the pre-placed catheter and dropped the little buddy off right in the lining. They said it looked "perfect" - nice and fluffy like they want it. 

If you look closely, you'll see the mouse pointing to where it got dropped off, right in my lining. I can't believe how much faster the whole process was this time. Afterward, I told Dan I didn't even need the valium. I went pee and we were on our way. We were early to my acupuncture appointment, so I asked Dan to stop at McDonald's for some fries. A lot of people in the infertility world say that their fries are good for after transfer because of the salt. Dan said I was eating them in slow motion and I kept dropping them all over me. He said I would go to pick it up with my fingers very slowly and decide at the last second not to pick it up. So by the time I was done, fries were all over. Hahahah. We went back to acupuncture and I had a nice nap while I lay there. It was the best. 

We took the best naps when we got home and then some of my family and Grandpa Todd came over to visit for a while. It was nice to see all of them and celebrate our special day. When they all left, we relaxed the rest of the night and watched Palmer, which was amazing! 

Dan's been getting lots of practice with baby Dawson lately. I think he's enjoying it quite a bit. He's so ready to be a dad. 

Some pretty flowers from Daniel. Notice the color? He thinks it's a boy. 

Pretty flowers from my mama. 

Tay and Madi also surprised/scared the hell out of me the night before the transfer. As we were sitting on the couch, they put the code in the door and came in yelling "Happy Transfer Eve!" It was adorable. They had this little vase of flowers from Tay's garden and this random Twilight book that Madi said, "Do you want this?" I guess Tay had gotten it and wasn't going to read it so she was giving it to me. They took me to get some ice cream and we had some good chats in Tay's new car. It was such a good night! 

Tay also came and relaxed with me the day after my transfer. We had some good chats, got Cupbop, and watched Crazy Rich Asians. It was such a good day! 

We are so grateful for such a great support group. We're feeling good. I've been a bit crampy the past couple days, which from what I've read, is a really good sign! So I'm feeling positive. I think overall I've felt different about this transfer. It just feels right and it feels like it worked. Something in my gut just tells me. We find out with a blood test on July 21st, so here's to a little over a week of waiting! Let's hope I can wait until then and not test on my own. 

We are feeling so so grateful and happy. Stick little embryo!!! 

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