
Tuesday, July 6, 2021

summmmmmer part 1

I wanted to drop some pics and give a little update on what's been happening this first part of the summer. I can't believe it's already July 6th! Like, how? It seems like school just ended. I'm always wishing that summer would last forever. I'm so good at the stay-at-home dog mom life. We've just been so busy, so I don't think that helps slow time down at all! Lots of exciting things happened this month. 

Our therapist, Carly, challenged us to get out on more dates, so this was our first one to Whiskey Street for some yummy food and drinks! Look at that cutie. 

Mom, Ash, and I took the pups to Memory Grove one day for a little dog walk. It was fun to get out and have some good chats with them. The pups obviously enjoyed themselves! Some girl in the park even stopped to give them a puppacino. 

Lots of wedding things for Tay and Kyle! We had so much fun planning this co-ed shower. We played some silly games, played kickball (even preggo Natalie kicked), ate some nachos, and had some margaritas! I sure do love all of these amazing friends of ours. 

Us girls got out for a hotel night. We had so much fun swimming, eating Buffalo Wild Wings, making baby mama Tik Tok videos, getting yummy cake at The Chocolate, and staying up way too late chatting. I'm so grateful to have my mom and sisters in my life. 

We had a fun little birthday celebration for cute Jennie up Millcreek canyon! We all got tipsy off of mimosas and made some yummy breakfast! Grateful for all of these people in my life. 

Tay and I tried to take little Z on a special date when William was born. She was too nervous to go with just us, so Nat came along and hid in the store while we looked at some fun toys. We had so much fun! 

Got to spend lots of time with this little cutie. I sure do love him. He has gotten so big since this picture! This was when he was only about a week old. I've tried to spend time going over and hanging out with Natalie a couple times this summer. It's been nice to visit with her, hold little Will, and play with Z. 

Payt and I got an itch and chopped my hair! I've been loving having a fresh chop for the summer. I do miss my long hair sometimes though.

We were lucky enough to get to go to Vegas for a night to watch Allie and Geo, some of our favorite people, get married. Allie looked so beautiful in her maternity wedding dress. Look at that background! We had fun eating tacos, catching up with friends, and having some yummy drinks. Such a fun night! 

Dan kept playing lots of hockey! Lots of fun nights watching the games with Rach and Tay. We even went to Denny's a couple times after the late games, just to be disappointed by the horrendous wait times at midnight. I love how close Dan has gotten to Wade and Kyle. 

We had a super fun visit from Ashley! She stayed with us for Memorial Day weekend. We got to go see A Quiet Place 2, go eat lots of yummy food, take her to see our lot, go hiking, watch Dan's hockey game, and just visit. It was such a good time! 

I snapped some fun maternity pics for Payt and Jord in grandpa's backyard on Memorial Day. It's a good thing we did it, cause little guy decided to come early! 

We got to have a fun little BBQ for Memorial Day at grandpa's. We had some yummy burgers and salads. Summer nights are always nice in grandpa's backyard!

My baby brother graduated!! What the?! It's so crazy and makes me feel old. We all had fun going to his graduation and getting sushi after. We celebrated again a couple weeks later with a BBQ with friends and family. I didn't get any pics that night though. 

We got to shower our sweet friends, Allie and Geo! They are having a baby in August. I can't believe it's so close. Dan and I had fun making breakfast tacos and parfait cups for everyone. We even had a mimosa bar! It was a beautiful day. Then the boys got drunk and we were at their house super late. See the pictures below. Haha. 

The day before Payt had Dawson, Dan insisted we have her go eat this pizza at Cafe Trio. Sure enough, she went into labor late that night! Apparently, this pizza is known for putting women into labor. So we had a fun little lunch with Payt and Jord. 

And then he was born... and all our lives have been forever changed. Dawson Oakrey Myler. He made me an aunt for the first time ever. It has been the most amazing experience getting to see my baby sister become a mom. 

Because of stupid Covid, only my mom and Jord got to be at the hospital and visit. But my mom and I had the bright idea to have me take her bracelet and go see them... well I did... but shhhh it's a secret. It was so nice having some time to hold him before he came home. What a precious angel. 

This was the day he came home and my first time babysitting while Jord helped Payt shower. Haha. What a precious boy. I'm obsessed with him. 

I didn't know what it would feel like to be an aunt, but it has been the best experience. It's like he feels like mine, but in this different way. I can't wait to watch him grow up. I've loved having the summer off so I could help Payt take care of him, clean, and keep some healthy foods in the fridge. It's been so fun to spend lots of time over there with her and the little babe. I've also loved getting some good shots of him. 

I took a break from the baby and had a fun weekend staying at Tay's while Dan went on the bachelor trip for Kyle. He had so much fun! I helped Tay with some wedding stuff and then we got tipsy one day and sat in this tiny pool. We had so much fun! 

We had a fun little birthday brunch for Natalie at Little America. We loved getting together and celebrating her. It was so fun to have little Zeann join us! 

Some more cute pics I took of Dawson one day. It was an impromptu baby shoot in his room, but we got some good pictures. I'll never stop taking pictures of this cutie. Isn't he the squishiest little guy? 

We had another bachelorette party for Tay! We ended up staying at my house. We went swimming and then all came back to get ready for the evening. Madi gave a toast, we got some cute polaroids, had some drinks, and headed to Sapa for some yummy food. Then we spent the rest of the night singing and dancing at Keys on Main. It was so much fun! We loved celebrating Tay! 

We had the best weekend celebrating Tay and Kyle! We got up there Friday to help set up and got our camp set up. That night we had a really fun rehearsal dinner at the campground. The next day was wedding day. We spent the morning decorating and then they tied the knot that evening. It was seriously the perfect day and I'm so glad we were such a big part of it. We all drank, ate, and danced the night away. I will always remember being on the dance floor screaming to "Mr. Brightside" with some of my favorite people around. These are the moments I live for. 

Dan and I had the best anniversary getaway. It was so nice after the long wedding weekend to just relax and just be us. I was in charge of planning our date for this year, so I made it all a surprise for Dan. We started off with massages and pedicures. Then we got the yummiest Mexican food for lunch. After that, we headed up to Snowpine Lodge and relaxed by the pool for a couple hours. It was so nice and the most beautiful view around us. Then we got ready and had a nice dinner at the bar. I loved how everywhere you sat, you had a beautiful view of the mountains. We spent the rest of the night relaxing and watching T.V. in bed (something we can't do at home haha). We had the yummiest breakfast the next morning at the restaurant in the lodge. Then we went up and hiked Cecret Lake. It was so beautiful! I can't believe we just hit our two-year mark of being married. It seems like it has gone SO fast! Love that guy. 

Had to get in some more snuggles with this little guy after not seeing him for over a week. 

We went to Tanner Park with the pups and little Dawson! It was so fun, but Payt thinks she might have been a little ambitious to think she could do that. 

Been loving these farm-fresh eggs from Beltex lately! 

Someone needs to convince this cutie to keep his beard short. Doesn't he look SO good??

We had the best night with our friends on the boat at Utah Lake! It was beautiful. I got to wake board for probably my last time in a while since I'll hopefully be getting preggo this week. 

We had the best 4th of July (well, 3rd of July since the 4th was on Sunday)! We had to go to the Magna parade of course. Then we had a little lunch back at mom and dad's after and mostly relaxed the whole day. Then Patty did a firework show for us. What a cutie! We ended up staying super late since we all got chatting while we all sat around Dawson and stared at him. 

On the actual fourth, we went to Geo and Allie's for a BBQ! They had to get the shot ski out of course! Geo made some yummy food and we had so much fun visiting all night. 

Well, that's all for now! I hope the second half of the summer will just SLOW down! Grandpa Todd gets into town tomorrow. Yay!! 

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