
Friday, September 24, 2021

Summmmmmer Part 2

A little photo drop of the rest of our summer! 

I gave Tilly a bath right before our transfer since I knew I wouldn't want to be lifting her for a while if all went to plan! 

The first night Payt did the Otteroo was the cutest thing in the world. We all stared at him for about 30 minutes just watching how cute it was to see him kicking and swimming around! I guess he did do that in the womb for nine months. 

We had a fun visit from grandpa! This was the night we had a fun little fire and dinner up in Millcreek canyon. It was so nice to get some fresh air. 

Wed had to take him to The Pie of course! That's always a tradition. 

We had fun going to see Daniel play soccer! 

Before the bump came out!!

I got to babysit this cutie one day. I took him with me on my errands to get an oil change and go to Trader Joe's. He was an angel the whole time! 

Boating at Jordanelle with these cuties! 

We loved celebrating mama's two years of sobriety! On the actual anniversary, some of us went with her to an AA meeting and Cafe Rio. Then a couple days later we had some cake and got together. I'm so proud of her and forever grateful for the changes she made. 

We got to celebrate Uncle Mike's birthday with him while he was in town visiting! 

While Kyle and Dallas were doing the Spartan and Dan was hunting, we girls decided to stay with Natalie and have a girl's weekend. We had so much fun hanging out, going to the zoo, and making a yummy lobster dinner. It was the best!

For Patty's birthday, some of us went to the Fluffy comedy show. It was awesome! 

Patty turns 18! We of course went to the Spaghetti Factory and then had some cake at our house. 

I can't believe summer is already over! Time just needs to sloooooow down. 

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