
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Children are literally so great. They are so carefree and wonderful to be around. I know, and have known for a while now that I want to go into the field of elementary education. I decided this some time ago.

Recently I have been helping in the preschool at my high school. This has made me so excited to become a teacher. Little kids are so great. Who would want to spend their day with boring adults when you can be with loving little children. They love you no matter what. They make your day great, even if it has started out bad. I really can't wait to have a class of my own.

so exciting.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Just Had to Blog Post

So, I guess I could say that I haven't written on here for a while. Okay, so maybe it hasn't been that long. But still, I have some updates. So, here goes. The electronics in my life have not been cooperating. My phone semi-died last Thursday. I have no idea what happened. I just took it out of my pocket and there were lines all over it, as if it had been dropped. I swear, I didn't do anything. Long story short, I took it in and they can't replace it. Madi, my kind and giving friend, is letting me have her old phone because of the fact that she is getting a new one. Relief!

Next, my two week old (TWO WEEK OLD) laptop froze up on me last week. LONG STORY SHORT... they were going to fix it and make me wait two months. Then my dear mother called to complain and they gave in (might I add that she always gets her way) and said it was the mother board and that I could just get a whole different laptop. I decided to go with a different brand and everything. Relief, also! Thank you, Best Buy. Oh, and thank you, mother!

Those are my electronic issues for the week. Now that they are solved, I MUST move on to something more important. Farcical, I know. It's called math. That four letter word that some people refuse to mutter. That word that people refuse to think is going to "help them out a lot in life."

I must say, I used to have a little niche in the math world, until, I got into a thing called college math. Then, it just became evil and daunting in so many ways.


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Scariest Thing Happened

Last night. It was my mom, Ash, Patty, and I. We were driving over to my grandparents' house. As we were driving, we saw a shadow of someone walking in the road, not too far ahead of us. We slowed down, being cautious not to hit him. As we got close to him, we could tell that he was VERY drunk. He could hardly walk across the street. We sat there watching him make his was to the other side, which took him some time. Then we noticed that there was a car coming on the right-hand side of the road, right towards the man who was currently stopped in the road. The car got closer, and you could tell that they couldn't see the man, as it was very dark. They were going to hit him! We braced ourselves as we watched this horrific scene. My mom and I looked away right as the man was hit. When we looked up, the man was lying on the ground. He had wet his pants. The man started to move and get up. Right as he got up, the lady in the car drove away, drove away! We had no idea what to do. We started to drive away. Ashley and Patrick were freaking out and crying. They didn't want to help him for whatever reason. I guess they were just scared because he was drunk. As we got farther, I just couldn't live with myself for not helping the man. I insisted that we go back. We drove back as we looked for him. We found him and just pulled over close to where he was walking. He started to go back into the road. He got really close to the right-hand turn lane and then fell right down on the road. He couldn't get up. My mom quickly called the police, told them where we were and they came. The got the man and looked him over. They had to ask us about all that we had witnessed. Then, they told us we could leave. It was really sad and scary. I feel better that we went to help him.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Math: The Epitome of my Death

No, really, I am pretty good when it comes to math. Like last year, I did great. However, I had an amazing teacher. Then I came upon this thing called a COLLEGE class (yes, I said it), in which that involves math (of course); I am not doing so hot. I'd like to say that I understand everything and that I will pass this class with an A plus, but, that would probably be considered lying. I'm not really one that likes to lie. So, here I am, telling the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Okay, so today I got a pretty good score on my test that we recently took. THAT gave me hope, right there.

I'm mostly just worried because they (all those people that say it, really there's only a couple) said it would only get harder. I can't fail. I won't fail.

Well, now that I got all that stress out, I should probably go do that one thing.


math: the epitome of my death (and yours too)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Addict in my own Mind

I swear, I have an addiction. It's a good one, though, trust me. It's called shopping. I am a freaking shopaholic. I'm not even joking. Moreover, I love shopping. What can I say?

I say to myself... "I'm just going to look."

However, do I stick to what I tell myself? No

It goes like this.

(Me in the store)

In my head...

"OMG this is so cute."

"Yeah, but do you really need MORE CLOTHES?"

"Of course I do, I love this."

"You need to save your money though. "

"Yeah yeah yeah"

and then can you guess what happens next??


Yip freakin E!

New clothes, yet, less money.

"Oh well. I promise I won't by ANY more clothes. :)"

(Me walking away happily, with my new clothes.)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm a Complete Cow

OKAY so not literally. BUT I got to be one today, at Chickfila. Yipes. It was fun, yet very sweaty and gross inside, I must say. I had to dance around, which was fun? yeah, I guess so. Then, Alex had me put away the cow suit in the very back room. I went back there, put it away, and then learned that I had locked myself back there. Maybe someone could have told me it was an AUTOMATIC LOCK. My goodness, I was back there for maybe ten minutes. I was banging on the door, hoping someone would come to my rescue. There was another door, but if I went out that, it would set off an alarm. I had NO idea what to do. Finally, Courtney came and opened the door. It was quite embarrassing, although she said she had done it before too.

Interesting night at good ol' Chickfila.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Top Ten Reasons Why I Love My Best Friends

                       the boice

our endless hours of fun, yet absolutely nothing

they love me as much as a fat man loves chocolate cake

they are beautiful,
inside and out

noodle dinners

late night talks about anything and everything (aka. campfires at night, in the corner of the room)

that i can trust them with anything

that i can joke with them and they can take it (some times)

we know each other so well, maybe even more than we should

we are complete idiots (only most of the time though)

I really could not live without them.