
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Just Had to Blog Post

So, I guess I could say that I haven't written on here for a while. Okay, so maybe it hasn't been that long. But still, I have some updates. So, here goes. The electronics in my life have not been cooperating. My phone semi-died last Thursday. I have no idea what happened. I just took it out of my pocket and there were lines all over it, as if it had been dropped. I swear, I didn't do anything. Long story short, I took it in and they can't replace it. Madi, my kind and giving friend, is letting me have her old phone because of the fact that she is getting a new one. Relief!

Next, my two week old (TWO WEEK OLD) laptop froze up on me last week. LONG STORY SHORT... they were going to fix it and make me wait two months. Then my dear mother called to complain and they gave in (might I add that she always gets her way) and said it was the mother board and that I could just get a whole different laptop. I decided to go with a different brand and everything. Relief, also! Thank you, Best Buy. Oh, and thank you, mother!

Those are my electronic issues for the week. Now that they are solved, I MUST move on to something more important. Farcical, I know. It's called math. That four letter word that some people refuse to mutter. That word that people refuse to think is going to "help them out a lot in life."

I must say, I used to have a little niche in the math world, until, I got into a thing called college math. Then, it just became evil and daunting in so many ways.


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