
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Teacha Kenzie

China has been wonderful. We started teaching last week and I am teaching the older kids. It is not what I had planned on doing, so I was a little bummed about that, but it's okay. It is a learning experience. I teach six classes, some meet twice a week and they range from 9-13 years old. The kids are insane. I feel like I was thrown in not knowing the ages, their level of English, what I am to teach them, what guidelines I needed to follow. If you know me, I just like to have everything laid out and planned out. That is not how the Chinese work, so I'm getting used to that. Basically, I choose how things work and what I need to teach them. Difficult, I know. I feel so inadequate and I feel really unprepared for this. I actually just got out of class and my last class didn't even know what I was saying when I told them to write their name. Anyway, I am learning. This whole thing is going to be a great experience for me. The kids are amazing and so sweet and I can't wait to get a routine going and to get things under control. I'm working on it and trying to breathe (in between every stinking kid yelling "teacha, teacha, teacha"). You can probably tell I am a little overwhelmed with the whole thing right now.

But in between all of the difficulties, there are silver linings. I am so grateful for this experience. I know that I will learn so much.

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