
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

update on the china homefront

Well, there was supposedly a typhoon the other night and I thought I was about to die. So I said my goodbyes to my family and got in the shower and bawled my eyes out. No, just kidding. Nothing even happened. It just rained a TON and a couple of the bedrooms were flooded, so Madi and I had to immediately move our entire bedroom out into the common area. That was our room for the night and the next day we thought we were room-less since our room was a swamp. After waking up, I really was craving some privacy, so I tried to figure out how to get into this room in the apartment that had always been locked. After an hour of looking out the window and plotting it out, I got Jennie and she climbed out one window and in through the locked bedroom's window. TA-DA. And that's how we got our new room, which we love so much more. It's smaller, but cuter. AND there's a deck. So it's all good. Blessings in disguise. Thank you, Typhoon Terry.

We have had a lot of down time lately, which has been much needed and I am so grateful for that. This past weekend we spent in hangout central (the room Madi and I share) watching movies, cuddling, eating treats, laughing our butts off, and you know, just being lazier than ever. But it was the best. The two weekends before that were filled with traveling and don't get me wrong, I loved every second of it. But sometimes you just need some good old lazy weekends. We got to tuck the kids in last week and that was such a cool experience. I was in with some of my girls and they were just hugging me and so full of love. I dread leaving these kids. Teaching has been good... and bad this week. I have one class that is very difficult. There are just some rude kids in there and I have left almost in tears every time. But I know that things will get better. I just need to do things differently with them and be positive! I do have another class - my 501 class. I adore them so much. They all hug me when I come in and they are always so excited and that makes me feel really good. Abby and Henry are my favorite. I have a real big crush on Henry.

So that's what's happening here. We went to this noodle place tonight. There were adorable kids running around there and the noodles were so good! Madi and I shared a plate, so that was fun because I felt like I was on Lady and The Tramp. Good times here in China! I'm so blessed to be here.

The kids all wanted to try on my glasses

My crush, Henry

Tucking my girlies in 

Weekend sleepover!

xo Kenzie

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