
Monday, March 30, 2015

the ones who love you best

People get busy for each other. Friends get busy for each other. But family. It is family who is always there. I have been able to spend a lot of good quality time with my family lately and it has been so wonderful. The memories are what I cherish. Like, last night we played a round of PIG at Patty's request after a nice BBQ meal, or the nights I have been helping Ash with her math homework and we will laugh so hard SHE pees (not me, finally), or when Patty shows us what he has built on mine craft, or when we talk wedding plans for P and J, or when we wash cars together -- all of it. My family is the best.

We have been going through a bit of a rough patch lately. Davis has been having a hard time and it has been a very big trial on our family. I'm grateful we are pulling through it, holding each other's hearts, and pulling through it. I hope Davis can come home and be with our family soon.

I love you guys.

Monday, March 23, 2015

gonna get married

My baby sister is going to get married, for crying out loud. The date is set, the barn is scheduled, the DRESS is bought. There is planning to do, fun to be had, and memories to make.

August 22, 2015. That is the date that my sister will become his forever. Jordan's forever. I'm not entirely going with it... I'm just kidding. Jordan is a great guy and I'm pretty stoked to get another brother.

Today, Payt chose her dress. She tried on several, all of them being so beautiful, that she could not choose. But it always went back to this one, the one we were all calling the "Barny" one because she said it went well with her barn theme. She could not get it out of her head. And I guess when you know, you know. The whole day was so fun, just like I imagined it would be. She got to ring the bell and everything once she chose and of course tears were shed... from mom. I had to pinch myself. It's also her birthday and I was saying, what better of a day could she have had! She found her dress and it is her birthday. I love her so much. She was my first sibling, my first sister. She's not only a sister, but a best friend. 

And I couldn't be happier for her. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

farewell for real

Well tonight Jennie had everyone over to say goodbye because believe it or not, she leaves tomorrow morning. I am so sad, yet so happy for her. It's very bitter-sweet. She made yummy lemonade ice cream cake and her mom made roast. It was all so good!

Jennie is the best. She's the kind of friend that everyone wants and needs. She's there. And I don't just mean there, but she is really there. She listens and cares so much. Jennie is constantly striving to be a better person, setting new goals for herself all the time. I traveled to China with her this fall and we became so close as we shared a bed some nights, took clear glass showers, stayed up wayy too late because bugs liked to crawl on us at night, I peed on her, we traveled, we got lost on purpose, and most of all we lived. We went on such a grand adventure together and I am forever grateful for China because one thing it brought me was an amazing friendship.

I got in my car after we said goodbye and just started bawling realizing that I won't have her around these next 18 months and I don't know how I am going to survive. I love my Dennie and as sad as I am that she is leaving, I am excited to be gaining another pen pal.

Friday, March 6, 2015


I think I am overwhelmed with all of the love and things I need to blog about, that I have procrastinated it so much. So, here I am, going to try to write this blog post.

I am so grateful. 

I had such a wonderful birthday -- the big 21. 

My parents and Patty took me to Benzai Tepanyaki on Friday and it was delicious. Mom and dad got sushi and Patty and I got ham fried rice and sesame chicken. YUM. I had a fun weekend with the girls. It was so great to spend so much time with them. Kale salad, Madi, Natalie, and Tay all came over Friday night and we made homemade pizzas with alfredo sauce, pepperoni, chicken from a can, and artichokes. The pizza turned out amazing! I got to tell everyone my "carpet story" from China and none of them thought it was funny. But they did think it was funny that I thought it was so funny. LOL. We wanted to go sit in Payt's hot tub, so we made the trip over there, catching Natalie up on good songs on the way. They saw Payt's apartment and when we went to go get in the hot tub, it was CLOSED. We were all very bummed, but Jennie was waiting for us at her house, so it was okay. When we got there, we asked each other the 36 questions to make you fall in love, which ended up being really cool and we didn't even fall in love with each other. GOOD THING. Haha. But it was fun and got pretty deep at times. We slept in Jennie's guest room and it was wonderful because we all got beds. Oh, and I can't forget that Jennie got us some Hershey pie which was to die for. I had to take Nat home early so she could babysit her cousins and Tay had to leave around ten, so I didn't get much sleep. Tay was begging me to make the cinnamon rolls, and then Kale was. So I had to get up. Those dang early risers. We made cinnamon roll waffles, thanks to Madi's idea! Jennie, Madi, and I just hung out after that and Madi did our hair and we had some good chats. Once everyone was done with their other priorities, we all headed downtown and made a music video! 

Watch our music video here. Thanks to Jennie, we were able to create a wonderful memory before she leaves on March 11! 

We had Spaghetti Factory after that, and someone actually paid for Jennie's meal and my meal. But I think it was a lady that was there who Jennie and Natalie knew and they meant to pay for Nat, not me. So we all just split the last two checks. Half off meals for all! Thanks to whoever was the generous soul. We had game night later at Madi and Ryan's and we played catch phrase, scum, and whoosh. All of the games were so fun, but I kind of sucked at the two card games. I did enjoy being the scum with Jennie all rounds of the Scum game. We even got to sit in the comfy scum chair together. ("Dennie's got lakes!!") 

My actual birthday birthday was Monday, March 2nd. It was a great day. School, then nannying for a bit (eating Jimmy John's and donuts to celebrate with Jake and William), then I came home to friends and family. We got Menchie's, played Catch Phrase and drank some Martinelli's. So many people reached out to me to wish me a happy birthday and so many people made me feel loved. That is what is so great about birthdays, is the love you are shown. I am beyond blessed with such amazing people in my life. My mom gave me these beautiful birthday flowers. :) Mikey had even left me a birthday card when he left for this birthday, so it was great being able to FINALLY open it. It was wonderful. 

I even got to celebrate AGAIN on Wednesday because my dad was not off on my actual birthday. Grandpa came over and my mom made a lovely dinner - some Olive Garden soup and blueberry streusel. It was all so good. My family sang to me again! 

Birthdays are fun and I think it makes it even better and more worthwhile because it only comes once a year. I had the best birthday and I am grateful for everyone who made it so special. 

Here's to being young and 21!!