
Friday, January 20, 2012

Dancing, Dancing, and More Dancing

Lately, I have been very busy with dance company. We started our concert practices after Christmas break. I love it, though. So far, I have learned four dances and I love them all. I still have five more to learn.

Anyway, this past week, we had mini clinics. I was with Shalai, Natalie, Joanna, Chelsea, and Lauren. We were in charge of the sixth to eighth graders. I wasn't too excited for that group because it is the pre-teen and just barely teen years. However, they were way fun to work with. They danced to a Janet Jackson song. All of the groups had an eighties theme to go along with our eighties hip hop dance.

The practices were on Tuesday, January 17th, and Wednesday, January 18th. Then, we performed at the basketball halftime on the 20th.

The performance went great! All of the mini clinic girls did awesome. Dance Company performed after all of them. It was one of the funnest performances yet. There were SO many people there.

We have performed our 80's-themed hip-hop dance several times now. It has been an exciting routine. I love it! We still have one more time to perform it, too.

We wore ugly sweaters the day of one of our halftime performances. 

After the game I did some chatting with my family and drank my lovely naked drink that my secret sister gave me. So good, btw. Then, I wanted some food. So, Natalie and I drove to Chickfila and met Madi there. She had been working. I ate and also got a delicious shake with cherry juice in it (my new-found love.) Natalie informed me of two secret loves she has. One is L_ _ _ _ _ H_ _ _ _ _ _ and the other is M_ _ _ P_ _ _ _ _. I had to guess them and it took me literally all night. Well, not really. But still. Boy, was I surprised. It was quite funny.

When we were done, we went to Jessica Turley's house to play Just Dance and hang out. It was so fun! Natalie and Madi stared at the butts, which they are obsessed with.

Then we took some timer pictures.

Be funny with someone, guys. 

Be solemn with someone, guys. 

Be solemn, guys 

Anyway, it was a fun night!

Madi slept at my house because her parents wanted a night alone at the house...

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