
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Supernatural Friends

I have something to tell you.

My friends - they have super powers.

They really don't. However, we like to watch Supernatural. That kind of makes us think we have super powers.

I have no idea what I'm even saying. On with my story...

On this beautiful, very beautiful, four day weekend of ours, we have had some fun. Thursday, the 12th of January was our last day of school. Well, just our last day for a four day break. But still. I had work that night, so I took a nap to prepare myself only to find that when I woke up, my shift had been cancelled. So stupid.

BUT, It was okay; I went back to sleep. What else would I do. When I woke up, I had texts from Taylor H. and Brooke. They wanted to know what the plans were. I proceeded to tell them that I would text them when I got off work. Yes, I was going crazy because remember, my shift had been cancelled. Also, it was like eight at night. Anyway, after realizing my stupidity, I humored them. Then, I picked Taylor up and Brooke met us at Chickfila.

We all got some food and just sat and talked while we waited for Madi to get off of work. She got off at about nine luckily, and Natalie met us there as well. Then, we were off to a night of Supernatural.

When we got to Madi's, the tv was in use, so we all cuddled up on Madi's bed and watched PLL for about an hour.

Finally the theater room was ready for us and we were ready for it. We all got settled and started Supernatural. It is a tv series, BTW. Brooke owns every season. Then, the volume needed turned up and no one would get up. Finally Madi did, but when she did, she left the door opened. Suddenly, it started to creepily open and we all freaked out of course. It was so scary. We watched about five shows. Natalie was the only one who stayed up to watch all of those. The rest of us were in and out, seeing only parts of each one. Finally, at about five, we crashed in Madi's room.

Those shows are so creeeeepy.

The next morning we woke up and went to Village Inn. It was a delightful meal. Brooke left after eating. Then, the four of us went and sat in Natalie's drive way thinking of what to do next. We sat there for a good hour. I was getting hot and kept opening the door and they would all yell at me.

Finally, we decided to go shopping. Taylor had to go home, so it was just the three of us left. We went to Fashion Place. We did not get ready and looked like complete scum bags. It was okay though. I just wanted to go to H&M. I got three shirts, a blazer, and a dress. The other two didn't get anything. Natalie said she couldn't shop when she felt gross. I still managed to. While shopping, I saw a man, whose name I will not say. I looked so gross. It was terrible. I just wanted to crawl in a pit and eat some pizza. He has a girl friend though, so why do I even care? Who knows. We'll leave that up to Beavus. Anyway, when he was gone, I ran away. We left the mall shortly. Then, went to Valley Fair. Madi got some shoes at Famous Footwear. Then, we all got large dipped cones and Dairy Queen. I was supposed to work that night, but again, they called and cancelled my shift.
Since my shift was cancelled, I went with Madi to babysit her cousins. There were two boys and one girl. The little girl was adorable. I was wearing my dance company sweats with a paw on the back. She was like, "Kenzie, do you have a clue on your pants?" Like from Blues Clues. Haha I laughed for a good five minutes when I realized what she was saying. Also, I put marbles down her shirt. She kept scratching her butt all night. When we changed her diaper we found that one of them was in there. That explains why she hated me after I had put them down her shirt. It was so funny. She cracked a lot of jokes. Natalie came later. We all played with the kids. They got crazy and Madi ran around with a blanket and an accent, yelling at them, telling them that they were in a safari. I guess she was trying to make wind? who knows. She is so odd sometimes. The kids literally beat us up.

Finally, the parents got home and we left. Natalie went home. Madi and I went to hang out with Thomas. We went to Smith's and got some treats and then just went and pretty much talked until he had to leave.

I slept at Madi's again. The next morning, I went home and cleaned my room and then went to work at five. That was very enjoyable. haaa.

After work, I watched a movie with my mother. It was "I don't know how she does it". It was good, except for I didn't finish it, and I have no idea how it ended.

Then, this morning, I went to Jordan's homecoming. It was a good sacrament. We had good food after. It was all food that he had made in the Philippines. Very good!

Then, Natalie, Madi, and I talked about our senior trip. I came home and organized my room and slept.

Oh, and I finally got some personal progress done tonight. Good thing, since I will be an adult in like fifty days. Yikes. No.

Well that was my weekend.

Bye, blog.

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