
Sunday, August 4, 2013

He's Just Fine

I wanted to say that Mike is doing great. I will put part of his letter in here and some pictures. I am so proud of him.

I do miss him so much and I am so glad that he is happy. I am happy that I can somewhat be a part of this crazy journey of his. I am one lucky girl.

July 29th..."Everyone here is just really nice and there are people everywhere we go. We will be riding our bikes threw areas and people will say "bless up" which just means god bless you. It's nice to hear that. We are teaching some really cool people and I will send you the picture of the little boy we are teaching. It's funny you will see the same people everyday here sitting in the same spot on the side of the street right in front of their house everyday. People here in downtown Kingston do not have much and in some parts they barely have a roof. I feel bad for them and just want to give all of them all my money. It is very sad. We are very lucky for what we have and we cannot take anything for granted. I am so lucky that I have you and my family. It is great to hear from you guys every week. I miss you like crazy, but I know that I need to be hear right now and I would not be doing anything more meaningful than what I am doing here. It is hard work, but it is very rewarding. Every time someone keeps a commitment it just makes you so happy because that means that they are getting closer to following Christ's example and being baptized. It is hard for people to comprehend how important being baptized is, but as long as you testify to them and they feel the spirit, they will know for themselves how important the things are that they are doing."

July 22nd... "I love it here so much. It is super hot and humid, so when we go to teach people on their porch, I am sweating and all the little kids ask me why I am sweating. It's pretty funny. People just do not sweat here. When we go to teach people, we have to yell to them from outside their gate. We can't go knock on the door, because everyone has their gates locked up. Also, all of our lessons are on peoples porches. We never go inside. It's nice because you get a little breeze. We ride our bikes a lot. The streets here are pretty busy, so we have to ride just along side the curb so we are out of the way. We are teaching a few people right now and things are going really well with them. I love my companion too. He is a great example to me and is very obedient, which is awesome. Oh we had district conference on sunday, which was sweet. President Brown spoke and called all the missionaries in the district up in front of the stand. We sang Called to Serve. It was awesome. Everyone in the congregation stood up as well and sang along. It was a very spiritual experience."

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