Well the day came. My mom, dad, and best bud, Madi joined me in the surgery room. The doctor's prepared me with a gown, cap, IV, and a heated blanket. It was all smiles early that morning. My cute little doctor was chipper as a bird. I remember my anesthesiologist came in and gave me something that would make me feel weird, but not sleep. Now, that was the weirdest feeling. Two doctors were talking to me and I just remember trying so hard to be normal while they were asking me questions, but I could feel that my body was being taken over. They wheeled me across the hall and all I remember is them placing stickers all over my chest and that was it.
Next thing I know I wake up to a nurse asking me what kind of juice I want. She told me, "good choice" when I picked cranberry. I don't remember drinking it, but I do remember the empty cup tipped on its side next to me. I wondered where the juice had gone. My parents and Madi came in to greet me and I think they were greeted with an angry look that was painted on my face. They all say that I was glaring at them.
So, I'm stuck in this evil shoe for two weeks, well one week now that a week has passed. I am not sure as to what I will wear after that because I know I am not fitting my foot into some tight shoe any time soon. I'm considering flip flops in the snow. We will see. The pain is not too bad; there is just a lot of pressure in my foot. I took lots of loratab for four days and now I am off of that and feeling good. HoorAH! I will show a before and after picture on here and then I will do a blog post later on of the healing process. I would like to take a picture each day when I take the bandages off and put new bandages on. Those will be soon to come, but here's what I have for now.
Payt has been sick for a while with her liver, so I had a resting buddy.
Definitely slept a good majority of the weekend. Kept myself drugged up.
NOW here's to the before and afters.
This is day five when the bandages first came off
This is day six. Already looks a little better.
I know it's not so great looking now, but once it de-swells, it should look much nicer. Notice that my big toe is now straight rather than going to the side. AND... no bunion.
EWWW. Hope that's not a nasty scar.
It's all good except for the fact that my fashion sense is lacking and I can't quite feel my big toe. But don't worry, it will get better.
More pictures are soon to come!! It's already looking much better than this first picture.
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