
Monday, December 9, 2013

They're Getting Older Too

This is my mom and this is my dad.
They have given me my life, everything that I have. Often times I wonder what life would be like without the parents that I was given. I then realize how truly blessed I am. My father has always worked so hard, ever since the day I was born. The other day someone asked me where I learned to have such good work ethics and I could proudly say that it was because of a hard-working father whom I love and look up to. Not only is he a hard worker, but he was the first one to make me feel like I was worth something and that I was beautiful. I know that if I ever need anything, he will help me. I usually go to my dad when I want something because he really can't say no. I know that when I walk in the door of the house he is going to want to know everything that is going on in my life and what I have been doing. He will listen. I can count on him to always tell me when it's going to snow and he'll text me several times while I'm out driving just to make sure that I'm okay. He shows me how much he cares. I always knew he would be up waiting for me when I would come really late at night. He has always loved me and supported me in every single decision I have made. He was at all of my dance performances and I still remember seeing him cry the night of my very last dance concert my senior year. My mother has been there at my every need my entire life. I am so lucky that my dad has such a good job and it has allowed my mom to stay home and raise us. She always tells us how that is her greatest blessing and she wouldn't trade it for the world. She has been there to dry every tear, wipe every booger, and pop every zit. She is the ultimate taxi driver because what taxi driver lets you out of the car with an "I love you," a hug, and a kiss. She has taken me to every dance practice, competition, or dance concert and was always there to cheer me on. I knew that I could always count on seeing my mom's face out in the crowd each and every night of my high school dance concerts. She would not miss one night for the world. She is the most selfless person I know. She would give the shirt off her back or the food from her plate to any of us kids. My parents are amazing and I can't imagine life without them. They have raised me to be the person I am today. I know that I am growing and changing every day. I'm becoming someone that my parents have raised me to be. I also need to realize that they are growing older too. I can't wait for what the future holds. I can't wait to see them be the grandparents to my children. Love you, mom and dad.

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