
Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Wow, I can't believe that I have gone five whole months. It is insane to even be saying that. It seems unreal. Month twenty is done. It is gone and I am now in the teens. Nineteen months left. It seems so much smaller now. I really can do this.

I can't say that it has been the best month, but definitely the fastest. Once you get past month three, time really speeds up. Well there has been a lot going on for me in my life. I guess you could say that I am in a crisis. I am not kidding. It is something that I am not ready to share yet, as I am still coping and trying to understand myself before I involve others. Mike knows what is going on and I worry that things won't be the same, but we are working on it and I have faith in us and our relationship. When I come to my conclusion and have a better understanding, I think that I will be able to come to terms with it and share. For now, I do not think that is the best idea because it is not even a set thing. I have realized that I just need to go day by day and just be my best self. That's all I can do. School has been good for me this month and it is almost OVER. I am so happy. It is going to be wonderful to have a break and I am going in for bunion surgery next week. It will be pretty exciting. Work is going well, but it has been hard to concentrate lately with everything that has been happening.

For Mike... he is doing wonderful of course. He just barely moved to Negril about a week ago. I am not sure the exact day that he got there. It was five hours away from Kingston. He has a new companion named Elder Lee who is 25 and I believe he is from Jamaica. He is a quiet guy and Mike says he has kind of been talking a lot more. Mike says that the area is very pretty and green. I guess they will ride up this hill and it is really peaceful up there. He was sad to leave Kingston. I think it seems very hard to leave your very first area. He loved it there and he loved all of the people. I know that he will love his new area as well. I guess it is really small with very few members. He says that they hold their church meeting in the upstairs of this house. It seems like this area will be a lot harder, but it will be good for him. I am so proud of him. He is so strong. To celebrate his five month mark, he was going to this restaurant to do a burger challenge. It is a four-patty burger with fries and a pickle. He said that he thought he had to eat it all in ten minutes and if he didn't he had to pay like twenty bucks for it. I wish him luck and can't wait to see how it went. I bet he did it!

I would like to of course share the monthly memory. One that I was thinking about the other day was the night we went downtown. It was just about a week before he was leaving. We went down there so that we could walk around Temple Square. I remember that it was such a quiet and peaceful night. It felt like we were the only ones out. It was perfect. We got to just talk and just really enjoy each other's company. It was funny because while we were walking around there was this lady who asked for money. Mike gave her like a dollar and then she asked for more. When Mike explained that all he had was a twenty, she asked for that. He said no. But it was so funny. We laughed about that for a while. That was such a wonderful night and it was very special with his departure hanging over our heads. I knew that we wouldn't be back to Temple Square together for two years. It was hard to accept. It was like that with everything though, everything we did was for the last time. I don't like to think about that.

Anyway, it is wonderful to be done with month twenty. Only nineteen more left! I know this next month will fly since it is Christmas. This month we get to Skype. I can hardly wait. Next time I write, we will be a fourth of the way done.

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