
Thursday, November 13, 2014

weekly wonderment

Just a thought for the day 

This was something that really hit home to me as I have been home alone all day from not having to teach, so I've been blog stalking... and this was on one girl's blog.

Sometimes we can be so hard on ourselves. We all want to be liked, we all want to be the go-to friend, the best friend, the person everyone adores and loves to be around. Right?

But get this - no matter how hard, how insanely hard we try, there will always be the people who don't see the best in us, the people who look at our flaws first, the first people to point out our mistakes, the people to stab our backs and belittle us. No matter what, there's always the people who won't like peaches. 

But if we all try to be a little better, to love a little more, to be a little more light-hearted, to rest easy, to laugh more, to not be so quick to judge, and to truly see the absolute best in people, then we can change this... at least in our own tiny part of the world. 

-- Be YOU --

Really, that's all you can be. And if you are trying your best, your very absolute best, people will love you - the people who matter at least. And there will even be the people who will love you when you are not at your best. Those are the real keepers. 

At the end of the day, you just have to realize that you can't please everyone. And for goodness sake, stop trying to please everyone all the time and please yourself.


XO Kenzie

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