
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Love What Is

I was trying to take a quick nap before I have to go teach, but my mind is racing too much with things that need to get done... blogging being one of them. So, here I am, with lots of blogging to do. Jennie, Madi, and I sat on our bed last night and laughed until we peed, well me. But it was just one of those nights, those nights where literally everything is hilarious. But after all of that died down, we decided to set some goals. Because, you know, we all love some good goal setting. We sat in a circle on our bed and wrote down our goals as we gobbled down all of the treats Tay sent us. It was really nice to kind of look at what we want to change, be better at, etc. -- together. After writing down our ten goals, we made charts so that we can hold ourselves accountable.

The goals were simple - things like brush teeth and wash face every night, read a chapter of The Happiness Project together each day, work out five days a week, no food after 8 PM, no junk food except for Saturday. You get the point. But the thing that stands out to me most, the thing I really want to focus on is love what is. To me this means to not gossip or think badly of others, to love everyone, to be more christ-like, to accept what is, simply. We can't change what is, right? So why don't we try to love and accept it. Okay, so here's to actually doing it.

Wish us luck! FIVE WEEKS LEFT. Wow.


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