
Wednesday, January 7, 2015

NOT having the january blues

(I found this really wonderful blueberry sucker flavor at my grandpa's -- so that's awesome.)

Well, I'm back to the grind. You know, school, work... all that fun stuff. But actually, it's not bad at all. I like to stay busy! And I am loving this weather lately. It's like cold, but not. And that is exactly what I love -- cold, but not weather. I like winter and snow and all, but not driving in it. In fact, a couple weeks ago when we had the big snow storm, my car slid into the curb. So that really put forth towards my not liking to drive in the snow. But on a positive note, I am buying my grandpa's stratus. It is in mint condition as they rarely drove it. To say I am excited would be an understatement. My forest green saturn has been good and all, but it's time for something nicer and more reliable. And this whole car thing has been completely stressful for me and that's the last thing I need with starting my first semester at UVU. So after sliding my car, I was thinking that maybe it was just time to get a new car. So this past weekend, me, Madi, Ryan, and Tay went car shopping. Madi was needing a new car also. It was quite the day - hilarious, exhausting, and everything in between those two words. We went to several dealerships and dealt with a lot of weirdos. We had Julie who had skinny teeth and she practically interrogated our whole life before she would let us drive a car. And Madi practically whispered her to death because Madi does this thing where when she doesn't want to do something she just talks really quiet instead of flat out saying no. HA. There was Jose Felice who could not put a car in reverse although he was a very experienced stick shift driver. Then there was sprinter, a dealer who ran when we pulled in. Then he put us in the lobby (as I would call them) and never came back, so we left. Oh, and then there was the guy who passed the douche bag test, only to fail it at the end. Then there was the guy in his brown, corduroy church suit who called me "my dear" and I did not appreciate it. All in all, I learned that dealerships suck and most of them lie. That is the exhausting part. So after the whole day and not finding a car, Ryan convinced me to let him fix my car. So I did, the next day. But I just don't want it anymore. I'm just kind of done. That's why I'm buying grandpa's car.

Goodbye, greenie! You're getting a new home.

So tomorrow will be my fourth day at UVU and boy am I loving that school. Let's not talk about how my appetite still hasn't quite caught up with me since I have returned. Between the time I wake up and 4 or 5 in the evening, I usually have a few pieces of dark chocolate to hold me over.... hmm. I am ecstatic to be starting my teaching program, FINALLY. I love it so far, but I can't lie. It is going to be one tough semester. It is a ton of work, but I know it is preparing me for what is to come in about two years -- teacher status! I really felt like a teacher today when one of my teachers passed out scholastic book magazines, you know the ones we had in elementary. She told us that we should start our book collections for our classrooms. I'm so excited for that. I have one more class tomorrow, but I have already been to my other six for the week. Every single teacher is amazing and different and just awesome! They all know what they are doing and they are there for US. I feel like I am getting such a personal experience and that is what I love about it. I have been riding the frontrunner to school and I am loving that so much. Not only will it save on gas, but I love the down time, the time to just listen to music, to write, to blog, to do homework, whatever. I just love it. I learned to love public transportation in China, so why not take advantage in Utah. Here's to a fantastic semester - one full of scholastic book orders, lesson plans, being creative, learning to be a teacher, and riding the frontrunner!

Recently I have redone my room and I love it! I told my family that I wanted to simplify my room because it would make me less stressed, so I did just that. I threw away a bunch of stuff and moved a lot of stuff out and decluttered and I absolutely love being in my room now. I still have some decorating to do, but for now I am satisfied and I am kind of enjoying the plain walls (besides these two pictures).

I started nannying on Friday. This is the perfect job for me right now while I am going to school, as it is only part-time and works well with my schedule. It is also giving me experience with children, so that's a plus. I nanny two little boys, Jake and Bill. They are 5 and 7. They are adorable as ever, but turds too. They are very close in age, so they do fight some and the older one thinks he is in charge of everything. But we are going to work on it and have fun! On Friday I took them to the Natural Museum of Curiosity and to McDonald's. We tried to find one with a play place, but Siri did not lead us to one. They were sad about that. But we had a lot of fun together and I can't wait to see them again. The younger one is so loving and he told me he loves me already. What a fun job! I am so lucky.

So that's what is going on with me right now.


My cute best friend in the middle gets home in like 26 days, so that's awesome. It's not like I'm counting or anything.

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