
Thursday, February 5, 2015


All I can say is WOW, I really need to step up my game. I did so well at blogging last year, but this year I have struggled a little. Not too much, but I'd like to be a little better. Life has been great lately, just enjoying my life on the rails, being a mom, etc, etc...

Let's see... First thing is first. I CHOPPED MY HAIR OFF and dyed it. Well, technically Payt did. But yeah. It's gone. I love it, but do miss my long hair sometimes. Simple year meant simpler me. 

Jennie and I took a trip to the airport because... my best friend Natalie has returned, safe and sound and boy is it good to have her back... although I have not seen her since the day she got home. I hope that changes. I know she has been spending lots of time with her family, which is important but I am excited to spend some time with her, too. She is amazing and so happy. Natalie served and loved the people of Roseville and they will forever remember her in their hearts. She's the best and I'm glad I get to call her my best friend. I've missed her. But I do have to say that I will miss having a best friend as a pen pal. I sure do love those handwritten letters. 

We celebrated daddy's birthday this weekend with bowling on Saturday with grandpa and then the Superbowl on Sunday. I think he really enjoyed his birthday this year because the Pats WON. He was so excited. I think he had the best birthday yet. I am so grateful for my dad and the amazing man he is. He does so much for our family. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dad. 

And then it's all about my mom life that I now live... well, part-time. I found out this past week that Bill's real name is William and boy was that good news. I have kind of been weirded out by a kid with the name Bill, so I am glad I get to call him Will and William now. Their spanish is coming along quite nicely. William told me that the other day at school he said "por favor" to the lunch lady and talk about a proud moment for me. We enjoy taking picnics in the cold with rotisserie chickens, swimming, going to the Natural Curiosity Museum, filming slow motion videos, using my teacher skills on them (as they call it), giving them extra and dextra credit (don't ask), and anything else that we can think of. I sure do love my Jake and Willy. 

That's what I have been up to lately. In between, I guess I do homework and study (maybe). I really hate studying. It's something that I just really dread and frankly, don't do much of. But somehow I survive. I am absolutely loving my program at UVU and I love the school. I also love my cohort and I am glad I will be spending my next two years with them. Can't believe I am already a month done with this semester! Time is flying. 

Mikey will be home in just five months. Insane. Absolutely insane. 

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