
Sunday, February 8, 2015

my best friend M

This girl right here, she is my best friend. She seriously gets me like no one else. She's such a light in my life, someone I go to for seriously everything because she understands. To say that I am grateful for her would be such an understatement. She brings out the best in me, she lets me cry with her, laugh until I pee with her, she lets me talk to her about anything and somehow knows exactly what to say, she trusts me, she's everything. I have been blessed with such amazing friends and she is one of them, the one I have grown up with, the one I have done everything with. Last night we sat in my car and we laughed and cried together and it felt so good. I think it was what we both needed. It's times like that that I will cherish forever

Madi, I love you.  

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