
Monday, February 10, 2014

And Yes, We're Old Enough To Drive

Taylor was having a rough week and suggested that we get away for the day on Saturday. We were off to Lava Hot Springs at 3 o'clock and boy were we in for a fantastic night full of laughs! It was a complete downpour the entire way there and we almost crashed several times (hope daddy isn't reading this). We listened to music, had some deep chats, and it was a great ride! Madi had suggested that we wear our matching PJ's that I got all of us for Christmas. Tay objected and did not wear hers. She said they were lost, but really she just didn't want to wear them. When we made it to Lava Hot Springs after two and a half hours of driving, Madi and I were quite embarrassed as we walked into the pizza place with our matching, striped gaucho pants. She insisted on hiding behind me. We were seated and Madi had to go pee. When she came back she was freaking out because I guess there was a mouse hole in the bathroom, a tub, and a cup with mouth wash dripping down the side. How hilarious. We had a delicious BBQ pizza and cheese bread. Tay was embarrassed that we were taking pictures in the restaurant like teenage girls, but we did it anyway. We also people watched. Madi and Tay were so confused about this group of girls by us. They apparently didn't all go together, so we watched them for the majority of our dinner. Oh, but only after we witnessed a lap dance from across the room. Yuck!

After pizza, we proceeded to the springs. Madi made sure to sprint out of the restaurant ahead of me so that we would not be seen with our matching PJ's. My cotton shoes were soaked already. Who knows why I wore those. It was so wet in that little town. We went to pay when we got to the springs and Madi just started laughing and would not stop. Tears were streaming down her face. Apparently she was laughing at how much longer my pajama pants were than hers, and then she was sad when I told her that I had even gotten her a medium. HA. When we got to the dressing room, I went to the bathroom and when I came out, the two were no where to be found. I was like, "Madi, Taylor, HELLOO!!" They did not answer me of course, so I got dressed on my own and headed out. But then I ended up back in there when I could not find them. They finally popped out of the dressing laughing their butts off. Taylor pretended to feel sorry for me. Putting our stuff in the lockers was a treat! Tay gave us all two quarters, but somehow Madi and I messed it up and had to just leave our stuff in unlocked lockers. It was a little risky, but we were too excited and all out of quarters! The hot springs were great. It was raining and snowing, so your body was half cold, half hot. It felt wonderful and I could have sat in there all night. We tried out a couple different ones, one was not as hot as the other. We had so much fun talking about old times. Apparently I used to be a bully who made Tay NEED a boob job. I once made this picture in jr. high where Tay had indented boobs. To this day, she blames me for the fact that she has to have a boob job. Whatever! We had so much fun and lots of good laughs for a few hours. Madi and Tay were being real dramatic since they were so thirsty. We got out to get some water. It was hilarious because Tay had three dollars and no where to put it, so I was thinking we needed to spend all of the money. They were thinking cheap. So, when we poked our heads into the drink machine, I wanted to get Fiji water. They thought I was insane and they were looking at getting the cheap brand. But we couldn't decide if two 20 oz. bottles or one 1 liter was a better deal. I was getting so embarrassed and when I said, "Guys just hurry up and pick, you're embarrassing me," we heard some chuckles from the background. Lol. We sat in the hot springs for an hour or so after that.
The dressing rooms were quite the time. When we got in there, we of course had to take some photos with our 10% batteried phones. Not a good idea. My shutter sound kept going off and Taylor was freaking out, so I said, "People are going to think we're making a porno in here." They were so embarrassed because apparently everyone in the dressing room heard. So many funny things happened in there. Madi even grabbed my butt, which has never ever happened in the life of Madi because we are NOT THAT CLOSE. Yikes. So not that close. Hahaha. Just kidding.

Pouty Tay

Ducky Face

Miranda Sings

So yeah, it was a fun night. A good, fun, exciting, all-around fantastic night with the bests. We got creamies after and then decided we best be heading home with the four percent battery lives left on our phones. It was snowy/rainy and cold. We stopped at a gas station to buy a charger because we were nervous we would get stranded and the lady insisted that we were not old enough to drive. My butt! I soon wandered off to sleep and I am not sure what happened after that. Next thing I knew, we were back at home and getting into Madi's bed.
Pretty much I have the best friends in the world. It's nights like this where you laugh so hard, you cry and it's mostly the memories that we will never, ever forget.  

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