
Sunday, February 23, 2014

Balloons, Balloons: Whose Birthday is it Anyway?

I'm really quite excited because March has always been a great month for me. It is my birthday. But then, it got even greater because I met Mike and Mike's birthday is also in March. And... on top of that, it is our anniversary in March. What are the odds! I foresee that we might just always love March. It's pretty cool.

I know this year might be kind of hard because Mike is away and I won't be celebrating with him, but I am going to try my best to enjoy it. For our anniversary, I will probably stop at Village Inn (our place) and have some breakfast. Maybe I'll feel closer to him there on our day.

March 2nd - I'm 20
March 17th - our 2 year anniversary
March 18th - Mike is 20

So, in celebration of the big month, I have gotten a package ready for Mike and I'm quite anxious for him to get it! I am hoping he will wait until the 17th at least to open it, but knowing him, he probably won't be able to wait. Well, here's what I got.

This is what I like to call "Our Birthday Party in a Box." I included 20 reasons why I think I should continue loving him, a picture, candles, a mini "happy birthday" banner, a key to my heart, a "kiss," and some much needed paper confetti. I think it's as good as it gets. 

I found this adorable book and I just knew it was for Mike. I wrote all over in it with memories and funny things.

A tie, drenched in perfume

Anniversary Card 


This was my favorite part of the package. I was able to round up a gazillion letters for him from our friends, his family, my family, extended family, grandparents, etc. I really thought that it would be something to make his day. And thanks to Jorjann for helping me get them all together! She is the best. 


A stack of some good ol' pictures
Some of his favorite snacks

There were some other little things that I added in there, like a book my mom had by Gordon B. Hinckley. I forget the title of it, but it is about life's virtues. Mike has really enjoyed reading and so I thought that would be something he could use. I also printed out a missionary poem, which I love. And then I printed off some of my favorite conference talks. I think that sums it up! Now, it's time to ship.

Happy birthday to me and Mikey! And a happy anniversary, too!

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