
Monday, February 3, 2014


It's so crazy that it has been seven whole months. Here is to reflecting on month eighteen. It has been quite speedy, I must see. It seems like we just celebrated the new year and here we are, the first month has come to a close. I started my last semester at SLCC this month and it is busier than ever. I am enjoying staying busy, though. It keeps my mind off of Mike being away and really does make the time go boy quicker. I have had a lot of struggles this month with some friend stuff that I don't want to get into. But I think all of that is ending and this should be a much better month. It snowed a little and it was freezing mostly. Work has been treating me well. I changed my schedule up a bit and I get off early on Thursdays and Fridays. It worked better with my school schedule. My foot is healing up nicely, although I did fall and thought I jammed it the other night. I think it is fine now though. *I hope.* I bought a lot of movies. That's for sure. I also took the Praxis this month. I passed Math and English, but not Social Studies and Science. I will be retaking those two sections, boooo!!! Anywho... enough about me. 

Things have been great for Mike, or at least they seem like they have been to me. I think he is just a really positive person. He was with Elder Lee all month and still is in Negril. He seems to really like the area, but it is very small. I think a lot of the times, they run out of people to teach. Their ward consists of only about 30 members. That is so small. They need to get about 50-60 to get a ward house. Mike really wants to get there. They were teaching this girl Zoy this month and she was going to get baptized, but it fell through since her mom did not approve. Mike was disappointed, but she will get baptized when she turns 18 in June. Mike wrecked on his bike this month and scraped up his leg. He says he is okay, but we all worry. I hate it! But I guess things happen. He seemed really down to me this week, but I don't know if it's just me. I think he is disappointed. I think he is wonderful and I wish that he could see that about himself. 

What a great month! Here's to a new one and maybe even a better one. I would like to share my monthly memory. This is one that I shared with Mike this week for our weekly memories that we do. I can't remember exactly when this was, but it was in the fall of 2012 sometime and we were celebrating one of our month anniversaries. He was in St. George for school, but was coming down for the weekend. He came and picked me up and he had made something for me. It was an idea that he had gotten off of MY pinterest. How clever of him. So he gave me this jar with 50 "Reeses" why I love you. It was adorable and definitely one of his most thoughtful gifts. We went to Chili's and there I gave him what I had made. I guess we are both crafty ones! I had gotten a deck of cards and had written things I loved about him/memories on each card. He loved it. We had such a great night. I had missed him. 

Well, 7 months down! 17 more to go, folks! Hang in. We're in for a ride. It's not over yet. We're still climbing the hill of the roller coaster. Ta-ta. 

Here is my completely nerdy picture to represent month 18.  Goodbye month 18, you will not be missed. 

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