
Friday, January 31, 2014

Too Blessed To Cry

Struggle is what I have been all too familiar with lately. There have been several things that have been bringing me down and not letting me be my happiest. I have been trying to look past those things and move on. I guess I have just felt alone and uncared for. I have felt all of the stresses of the world. There's always so much going on. But then it's times like when your two good friends show up knocking on your door with a conference talk, some chocolate, a prayer to say, and some good laughs that you realize you are too blessed to cry. It's weird how something completely out of the blue will happen right at the time you need it the most. Maybe my prayers were answered. I have such a wonderful life and I do realize that. Just have to pick myself up and get out of this rut somehow. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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