
Friday, January 3, 2014


It's crazy that month nineteen has come to a close! This has probably been the fastest month by far. Boy, does that make me happy. This month has by far been one of the better months.

I had bunion surgery and have been recovering from that. AND it was the month of Christmas! I love the month of December and it always seems to fly by. Well, I received lots of good pictures, good emails, and the best of all, we got to Skype on Christmas. It was the best Christmas present ever. I will do a separate post on the call. I was happy to spend some time with his family on Christmas Eve and Christmas. They are so loving and I am forever grateful for them. They make me feel like their own. I was so happy to find that they had put me on the family Christmas card. They are the best. Mike is still in Negril and continues to love it there. It is a smaller area. I am so proud of him. He seems like he is doing just great all of the time and his testimony is growing so much. We have been reading the Book of Mormon and that has been so cool for us to be able to read it and discuss it. I love that he is discovering so many things and he is finding what he believes. He is one amazing person and I am so lucky to have him.

I will share the monthly memory. I was thinking back on the week before Mike left and how surreal it seemed. I was in the twilight zone and I was being tossed around in a sea storm. I wanted to do something special for Mike - just the two of us. I had my friends wake up at 3 in the morning and go up to Ensign Peak. They hiked up and set up a spot for us with blankets, pillows, and his gifts. Mike had no idea. All he knew was that I was picking him up around 4. I had him blind folded the whole way there and he was starting to get mad since I was lost and he was getting antsy. He kind of had a clue where we were going, too, so he thought that he didn't need to have the blind fold on. Once I took it off of him, we got out of the car. It was dark and cold. Mike was nervous to hike up in the dark, but we started our journey up! He was freaked out the entire time and thought I was plotting his death. When we got up to the top, it looked like a scene from the Bachelor. I still could kick myself for not taking photos. We sat up there for hours and watched the sunset and talked. It was so peaceful and I know that we needed that time - just the two of us. He opened his gifts from me and I had also written him a letter. By that time, people had started to come up and I wanted to read that when we were alone. After a couple of hours, we headed back down the mountain. This time, we were both more lively! When we got to the car, I read the letter to him. We both cried and it was really hard for me to get through it. But it made it so special. After that we went to our place, Village Inn for breakfast. By that time, we were both exhausted. It was such a special morning and he loved the whole thing even though he was freaked out. I love this memory and I will cherish it forever. 

Well, month nineteen, you've been good. Only 18 more months to go! I can't believe I am 1/4th of the way done already. Seems insane. 

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