
Thursday, April 3, 2014


Hello, month sixteen. You've been very good to us. Holy crap. Can I just take a minute to scream. It has been nine whole months. Only 15 months left! How crazy is that!? Time is honestly going pretty quickly. I think it's because of the amount of business I place on myself. It drives me bonkers, but whatevs. Keeps me SANE.

Let's see... this month was grand. I turned 20, Mike turned 20, and we celebrated two years. TWO YEARS. Seems like I just met the kid. That fluffy-haired kid that I just fell in love with so fast. It's been a fast and exciting month for me. With a lot of celebration. It was hard being away from Mike for my birthday, but my best friend, Madi made it grand. For Mike's birthday, I celebrated with Mike's family. We had his favorite dinner, cake, and ice-cream. Oh, and we sang... REALLY loud. In hopes that he might hear us. Then I also sang with my fam. I think I ultimately celebrated his birth more than he did. He loved his packages and enjoyed the letters from everyone. Something exciting for me this month is that I got accepted into the teaching program at UVU. I was stoked and still am. I will not be starting until Spring 2015, however. Because, ya know, CHINA. My grandma has been really sick this month, so I have been spending lots of time with her, which I am so grateful for. So so grateful for.

Mike is just great. I think we were both dumb, cause this month we both discovered that we can email back and forth on his P-days. Took us until now to get that going and I am glad that we did. Cause boy he seems a lot more real and human now. I am grateful for that time we spend talking on Mondays. It's my favorite. :) He is still in Negril. A couple weeks ago he was going to be transferred to the Bahamas, but then he is waiting on his work permit or something like that.... so he still has not gone. Who knows when he will go. He loves Negril, though and I know he does not mind being there. But Bahamas... how lucky can ya get. He has met some amazing people. This month, talking back and forth with him, I have truly just realized how much he has grown and how strong in the gospel he is getting. He helps me so much and I am working towards the temple and getting back to church. So things are just great. I love that boy. He makes me a better person each day.

So, of course I'll share a memory as tradition. This was the night before the day we had to say goodbye. Uhh so we had planned on having a good make out, but emotions got the best of us and we just cried. We both cried harder than ever before. I remember asking him if I could just hold him like a baby. It's kind of our thing, to treat each other like babies. So I held him and I cried and I cried and I talked about how things just wouldn't be the same without him. Seven Peaks wouldn't be the same without him tossing me around in the waves. It was a very emotional night for both of us. But something I do remember most is the amount of love I felt for him and I literally felt the love he had for me. I felt it radiating from his soul and I know that he felt the love I have for him. It was touchable almost with both of us just so vulnerable and breakable. We took turns holding each other and sharing memories. I even kept my tissue from that night. I remember it got really really late and we knew I needed to get home. I knew it was our last night together. We only had the next day and that was all. It was such a special memory, one that I hold close to my heart and one I will never ever forget. 

Watch out, mission baby's been born! Nine months down. :)

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