
Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Littles

I was called to teach the sunbeams with my sister a few weeks ago. They are crazy as they come, but I love being with them. Today the lesson was "I am thankful for my eyes." We laced shoes with our eyes closed, colored paper puppets, acted out a blind person with their guide dog, and talked about Jesus healing the blind. Although I'm not quite sure that they got too much out of the lesson, at least they liked the suckers. Deacon screamed, "These are the most delicious suckers I've ever had!" So, if they like the treat you bring, you're on the right track. They're four years old, what do you expect?





My favorite was our ten minute prayer at the end of class given by Deacon. He prayed about several different things -- "Please bless that we'll always get suckers... and please bless that they always turn our tongue a different color." "Please bless summer and our trampolines that we got for Christmas... Did you know Santa Claus really is real? He is actually real."

They are adorable.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ode to a Broken Washer

Soo the other day our washer broke, well it wouldn't spin. I don't know about you, but I don't particularly enjoy ringing out each clothing item on my own.

Yep, we took a trip to the laundromat. My first time, even. What a hilarious night with my family -- one that I will cherish forever and ever. Between Patty finding out about Payt's thong wearing, me peeing my pants while trying to load my laundry basket into the car while being screamed at, Payt and Ash having a brawl in the middle of the place over a pajama shirt, taking 45 minutes to figure out the machines, and having dinner there - I'll say it was a night well spent. It better have been since we were there for three hours.

I've never laughed so hard. I'm kinda glad the washer stopped spinning. 

At Peace in a Place of Solitude

I have struggled a little with this whole growing up idea. It's stupid, I think. I don't want to be an adult. I don't want to have a "big girl" job. I want my friends back. I want to eat all the cake in the world and not worry about gaining a pound.

Growing up is hard and if you don't think so, I guess you just want to grow up and you like it. I mean, yeah, it has its perks. But what about those carefree days? Those are the days I long for. I miss having my friends around me constantly, I miss talking about cute boys, I miss summer sleepovers and fire pit nights, I miss sharing secrets, I just miss all of it. I miss being little.

I guess I am at a place of solitude in a way and it's okay because I'm at peace with it. Things just aren't the same anymore and I don't really know if they ever will feel the same again.

That's enough of this depressing post. Here are some beautiful purple flowers right in my own front yard.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Currents

I'm sitting here about to make some lists because sometimes when I make lists, I feel less stressed. It doesn't even matter what type of list it is.

Currently Liking: 

Patty's homemade butter mints that are slightly soft
Fresh strawberries
Stalking people on Instagram
A Great Big World
Handwritten letters
my sunbeams
long prayers - answered, but also unanswered
preparing for China
sad books and movies
being done with school
that Mike's year mark is nearing
The Bird Show
one class left to get my AS degree
sending Madi funny videos
wearing dresses
health kicks
Chobani yogurt

Uhh... not so much liking: 

awkward people asking me on dates
talking to rude people at work
sugar (or at least I'm telling myself that)
not feeling needed
shoes that get stinky
this pesky rash on my face that won't go away
hairy legs
repetitive radio songs
pacing people
painted fingernails
wearing my retainer
soda pop
greasy hair
needing to study for the Praxis
sisters stealing my clothes and then lying

Well that's all for now, better go work out.

Mike's Face Comes to Visit

All I have to say is, I love this boy. He is my whole world. I got to Skype him yesterday for Mother's Day and it was definitely what we both needed. Just being able to see him, him see me. Skype is a life saver, literally. He is still the same, just a little more mature, a little wiser, happier, but overall, that same silly boy. He talked all about the Bahamas. Apparently they have peas and rice there, not rice and peas (like Jamaica). Or wait, maybe it was the other way around. But I don't remember what the difference was, honestly. It was a very quick Skype call, but it was so wonderful. I am so grateful. So so grateful - for him, for the Peters, for mothers. I have a blessed life. 

Mike and I have been having a hard time the past few weeks. It's nothing I will talk about here because I would like to keep it between the two of us, but after skyping and really talking about things today, we were able to just remember, to set aside all of the hard things and just remember the love we have for each other. I feel so refreshed, so ready to tackle this next week. It will be much better than the last. I love Mike. And I know I say that all the time, but I just love him and every little thing about him. 

Look how beautiful he is. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Would you look at that! Month 15 has come and is DONE. This has been a quick month, actually. I love quick months.

It's actually been a great month. We're moving out of the frosty cold winter and into a great springy season. I love this season. It's nice and warm, not hot and not cold. I have finished my almost final semester at SLCC. I pretty much think of it as my final semester because I really could have my AS degree right now. But I just have one prerequisite to take in the summer. It would not fit in my schedule this semester. Darn! But it's okay because it doesn't start until June 16th and only lasts until the beginning of August. Wahoo. So anyway, it's been a busy month. The last month of school is always crazy, right? Work has been good, I made it past lay-offs. So, that's a blessing. I had a fun trip with my fam and the Chaps to St. George at the beginning of the month. It was really great to get together with the six best friends (minus Natalie), plus the honey hustlers (moms). What great people they are. I also had training for China, which got me really excited to go, AND I got glasses. I have to start wearing them full time. Wish me luck! Overall, it's been a great month. 

Mike has been doing wonderful. I have loved that we were able to talk for a few Mondays, back and forth through email. It actually made him feel more r e a l. It was great. He left to the Bahamas this month and has been there for a couple of weeks now. He seems to love it, but I really wish that he would send some new pics. Goodness! I would like to see this beautiful place. He has a new companion named Elder Lacey. I think he is just about to go home after a couple more transfers. Mike says he also went to Dixie, but a year before Mike was there. So, that's pretty sweet and very ironic, I think. They are whitewashing the area, so that is tough for them. They have to find all new people. It is a challenge, but Mike always has such a great attitude about it. I know it was tough for him to leave Negril and Elder Lee, but I think he was ready for something new. Sometimes he just needs a change. He gets a bit antsy and "burnt out" as he would call it. I'm so proud of him. 

Of course I would like to share a monthly memory. I'm going to take it way back. It was when we had first started talking. He had already asked me to Jr. Prom and I was about to leave on my Dance Co. trip to San Fran. I remember I had been working that night at Chickfila and he stopped by with my favorite treat (chocolate licorice) and a letter. He sat and talked with me for a while after I had gotten off. It was so great. I remember we walked out together and he gave me the first hug. It was so great. While being away at San Francisco, we talked a lot and even on the phone. All of my friends were telling me to get him a souvenir, but I thought it would freak him out. So, I didn't. Little did I know that I should have gotten him a souvenir. I miss those times when everything was so new. Those are some of the greatest times. It's full of awkward convos, awkward hugs, but a lot of flirting. And -- I guess I miss that. That's a reason I am grateful for this time spent away. Perhaps when he gets home it will be like falling in love all over again. 

Well, 14 more months! 10 months are done and I couldn't be more excited. We are that much closer to the year mark. Just two more months and these months will go quick cause it's SUMMER. I remember this time last year, I was a mess. So glad to be done with that part of this whole thing.