
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dinner With The Peters

I was so excited when Erika sent me a text inviting me over for dinner at their house! It was the first time I would do something with all of them since Mikey left. I have done a bunch of stuff with Erika, but haven't really spent the evening with Jorjann and Tim. I had dinner over there most Sundays while Mike was home, so it was weird not going over there anymore once he left. Tim and Jorjann always cooked a delightful meal. They are the best. I knew this time would be no different. When I got there, we visited for a while while they were finishing everything up. They were cooking so much food. I knew that Mike would have been in heaven over the meal. He always loved his parents' meals. Who wouldn't? I even got to sit in Mike's spot during dinner!

This made me feel so close to him, but also made me miss him so much. Tim cooked up some BBQ chicken and ribs. Jorjann made twice-baked potatoes (my fave), a wonderful salad medley, and garlic bread. Everything was SO good. I felt like I was at a restaurant. It was so nice to catch up with them as well. I love them just like my own family and can't wait to officially be a part of the family someday soon. 

After dinner we all cleaned up. Erika and I played on her ipad and just talked. Then, we play Wackee Six that I had brought over. Tim also surprised us with adorable little cups of ice cream. So we all ate those and enjoyed our game. Tim was being so hilarious because he did not understand the game. Jorjann caught on quick and was trying to help him! They are all hilarious. It was so fun. Being there with them was just like old times. It was no different than it had been! After the game, we just visited for a while and then it was getting late so I had to go get some homework done. I am so grateful for the time spent with them. I love them all very much and am so lucky to have them in my life. I hope we continue to stay close throughout Mike's mission. 

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