
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

You Do Not Always Get This Lucky

I have been wanting to do this post for a while.

It's about this girl named Madi. 

So, once upon a time… our parents all went to high school together. Awesome, right? They stayed friends after high school and had babies. Some of those babies being me and Madi. Crazy, I know. So we have grown up together with our families always being super close. When we were young, we were both very shy and mostly didn’t talk at all of our family parties. Sometimes we would talk at the very end after we got warmed up, but then it was usually time for the party to end. I guess one time when we were very young, we had a sleepover and I made fun of her feety pajamas – she went home. I do not remember that, but she always brings it up. So that’s how life was. Madi and my younger sister Payton were actually better friends. Madi moved to Vernal for three years. She came back to West Valley when we were in the seventh grade. Let’s just say that things were real awkward at first. The Chapman fam moved into their family’s basement and Madi and I went to school together. I remember the first day her mom brought her to school to sign up for classes. I got called down to the office, not knowing what was going on. As I trudged in with my sneakers on and gym attire, I was quite shocked to see them there because at that point I didn’t really know that they moved back. Madi makes fun of me to this day about how my hair was slicked back into a pony tail all gross. So, she started the next day and I was her tour guide. We really didn’t speak too much at all. In science class, she sat there and stared at her paper. I was so confused. Then I realized she needed a pencil so I asked her and she said she did. Shy as a mouse, couldn’t even ask for a pencil!! I remember her little peanut bun glued to the back of her head, me in my “Woody is my Homeboy” t-shirt. I sure loved that shirt. We always laugh about that day. So let’s just say that things stayed awkward for a while. Madi ended up making friends with all these other people, like Natalie, Taylor, Brooke, Jennie, and some others. We started getting closer in eighth grade, but I did have a best friend, Breanna, at that time. That’s all another story. In eighth grade, Madi had a High School Musical party. I felt quite awkward there in my “Woody is my Homeboy” shirt. But, the next day when everyone left, Madi, Natalie, and I really bonded in a small kiddie pool and a shower in swimsuits to finish the night off. We even shaved our legs together for like the first time. We all started getting really close after that. Natalie is still in the picture too, but this post is just about Madi. So, to cut to the chase, Madi and I got really close in 9th grade and kept getting closer ever since.

Madi is the one who I can always count on. She has been through it all with me. We went to birthday parties together, both got iphones, both bought saturns, got the same laptops to do our math on in 12th grade, passed college math together, worked at Chickfila together, started college together (taking mostly all the same classes), started a new job together just recently, bought the same bikes, set exercise regimens together, we work out together sometimes, and all of the in between fun. She always supported me in dance and was at every performance I can think of. We know every secret possible to know about each other, even the little things that you would tell NO ONE. Yeah, it’s creepy. I could tell you anything about her. She is one of the most thoughtful people I know. I always see her buying things for people at random times. She will listen for hours about anything and give you advice if you want it. She can act like a psycho, too. That’s always entertaining. She is beautiful inside and out. She is going to make a wonderful wife someday. I always say that everyone loves her and Mike. They are both just that lovable type! And I got lucky enough to have two of them in my life and they are very close to me. We do have little arguments, but we get over it quick. I really have never had a big fight with her and look how long we’ve been friends. We just get along. I guess our personalities just mesh.

Madi is best friends with Mike and she loves him. I love that she is so close to him. Mike and I even told her that she could live with us when we get married if she was lonely. She has been there to cry with me at any given time about Mike being gone. She cried just as hard as I did when he left. She can feel my pain and I can feel hers. Not too long ago, she was having a hard time with a boy. We both cried together. I really don’t even know why I was crying. When we see the other cry, then we cry too. Don’t get us going. It’s not hard. We act like complete idiots together and we have even created a voice that we are both excellent at using. Also, don’t get us going. ***WARNING: You might inadvertently catch on, too. Careful.***

Life can get crazy and tiring, but when you have good friends by your side who you can laugh until you pee with, then you know you got it good. All of my friends are amazing and I am thankful for each and every one of them. I just thought Madi deserved her own post because I think I am pretty darn lucky to have her. I hope we stay this close forever. I hope we are like a mom to each other’s children. I hope our husbands are best friends. I hope our little families will vacation together.

And perhaps one day we will both have daughters around the same age who will grow up to be just like us, the best of friends, just like Loyd and Larry.

I love her. 

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