
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Birthday Weekend For a Chimpanzee - That's Me

This a twenty-year-old speaking. Yep, you heard it. I turned twenty! I cannot believe it. I have to say that it was a fantastic weekend thanks to all of the wonderful people in my life. My best friend Madi let me know that she had a whole day of fun planned for me on Saturday and not to plan anything. She picked me up around 11:30 and as I peeped my head out the door I could tell there were a couple of people in the car with her - Ryan and Erika! I was so excited.


When I got in the car, they wanted me to open the first card. Also in this card was a dollar - how thoughtful.

And they handed me my movie treat, which was sour watermelon candy, one of my favorites. We stopped at Del Taco for some lunch and then we saw Endless Love, which was so amazing. I loved every second of it and I must see it again soon.
Then, it was time to see where our next stop was...
I was so ecstatic! I had always wanted to get a pedicure.

It was quite the time. Even Ryan got a pedi. The little Asian ladies who did them were adorable and we really didn't know what they were saying the whole time. We all enjoyed it so much (even Ryan secretly).
The Spaghetti Factory was so great as always. I got Mizithra! What a shocker, right?!
Next stop...

We had a dramatic delay in between here... which I do not wish to talk about. After a couple of hours, we made it to the hotel and had some cake!
It was a delicious oreo cake which we had to be very creative with the eating part of it. No forks equals glow sticks, room cards, and other sorts of alternatives used as utensils. We swam and sat in the hot tub after cake and that was really a nice way to end the night. Ryan left after that and us girls took a shower and then lay around. Erika and I started dozing off while Madi put tattoos on my arm.

What an exciting night it was. We were all tired, but we laughed our butts off and almost peed several times! I am so grateful for the time and money Madi spent to make my birthday a special one.
The next day, I went to lunch with my parents and then later Madi, Jennie, and my grandparents came over for strawberry shortcake and a fun time!
The fabulous birthday waffle Patty gave me.

My mom and dad got me this beatiful ring. The picture doesn't really do it justice, but I love it. Payt also helped pick it out. They know me well.

Payt got me the Zebra Stripe gum because we used to chew it as a child. We tried out the tongue tats.

It was a wonderful birthday weekend overall and I am so grateful for the wondeful people in my life. I am so blessed. I am grateful for all of the gifts and money that everyone gave me. It meant so much! My math teacher even gave me a gift without knowing... I hadn't studied for a big test all weekend due to ^^ and when I got to class on Monday she said that we were making it a group exam. I was so relieved and I got pretty lucky. Thanks to everyone who made my birthday special!

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