
Monday, March 3, 2014


Ohhhh my goodness. Can you believe it has been eight whole months! Month seventeen is finally complete. Let's discuss. It's been a pretty busy and overwhelming (to say the least) month for me. I am not trying to be dramatic, but it really has been. I am pooped between school, work, working out, trying to eat healthy, applying to UVU's teaching program, getting ready for China, and trying to make time for my loved ones. It gets insane! That's why I love the weekends because it gives me time to think and BREATHE. I am very thankful for a busy life because it makes time go by so much faster. It's not dragging on at all. And each busy day is a day closer to seeing my love again. This month, something really exciting happened for me. I got selected for the T.H. Bell Scholarship. That right there is such a blessing because it takes so much stress off of me financially. China is going to be expensive and I have student loans that need to be paid, so this is just what I needed. I am so grateful. I don't even have the words to express my gratitude at this point in time. This month was also great for me because Madi and I were able to mend our friendship. I knew we could do it. I love her so much. Ash and my dad both had birthdays and we celebrated V-Day! My lovely parents took me to dinner with them that day. It was really fun. Overall, it's been a fantastic month for me! Oh, and I sent off my first package to Mike. Usually I will just add my stuff into his family's package, but I wanted to try my own this time. He has not gotten it yet, but he will around the 19th of this month. Perfect for his birthday and our anniversary! I can't wait. 

Mike has been really enjoying his time. He is still in Negril and with Elder Lee still. Him and Elder Lee seem to really get along, so that is great. They were going to baptize Zoy this month, but her mom would not sign the permission slip, so Mike was bummed about that. But she will probably get baptized when she is 18 in June. They have been able to get quite a few inactive members back to church this month and that has been really cool to hear about. I know Mike has a hard time in Negril because it is so small and there are only so many people to actually teach, but I love how he continues to have a positive attitude about it. He got to speak in sacrament also this month and he discussed the Pride Cycle. That was really interesting to me. I love hearing from him each and every week. I am so grateful for technology. I have been having a hard time lately because he is so focused, which don't get me wrong, it's wonderful - he should be. But I can't deny that it is hard for me. I ultimately know the love he has for me and he never forgets to tell me. So I am grateful for that. I love him with everything I have. 

So, I would like to share the monthly memory. This is the memory I shared with Mike a couple weeks ago because we each share a memory with each other each week, which has been something I cherish. Anyway, so it was a couple nights before he left on his mission. We were heading over to his pool for a family party with his mom's side. I remember I was getting ready and he told me not to wear makeup and get ready since we were swimming, so I didn't. Then, on our way over there he was like, "I was just kidding. We aren't really swimming. I just didn't want you to wear makeup!" He is such a nerd. But then he said just kidding, we really were swimming. I think I just love this memory because he would always ask me not to wear makeup. I love that about him. He is so simple and down to earth. 

Well, we are a month closer to forever! Only 16 more months left! Hello March, my favorite month. 

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