
Monday, March 10, 2014

The Hanger Battle - It's Always Awesome

This post is brought to you by three sisters and way too many unworn clothes - OH, and not nearly enough hangers. And I do not say that with any exaggeration in my voice. I don't know if you have ever experienced a disappearance of hangers such as I. But mine is bad. It's so bad that I almost would like to spend the money to have the FBI come do an investigation. Okay, or maybe it would be a better idea to just go buy M O R E hangers.
So my two younger sisters are beautiful and wonderful, BUT they each have one flaw - I believe they are hanger thieves. And that in itself is a very bad habit, because if you steal hangers, you are more inclined to start stealing better things, like Kit Kat bars at the grocery store or flat screen T.V.'s at Best Buy. It's not good and to say I'm worried would be an understatement.
Let me explain how this happens. I do my laundry about every two weeks. Somehow, I will hang up all of my clothes, having enough hangers. In fact, I will even have extra hangers! Then, a couple weeks later when I go to do my laundry again, I suddenly do not even have enough to hang up my clothes. There are always two culprits and they BOTH always deny it. What on earth! So, I give up on trying to play FBI agent. I take fingerprint samples and everything, but it just takes too much time and why would I want to be invested in something so petty? Well, so then I head on over to Target and buy another pack of hangers - - an 18 pack! When I hang up my clothes, I then have a ton of extra hangers. Perfect. Nope, the next time I do my laundry, I have again run out of hangers. So, who do we blame? Who is the culprit?
Suspect one: An almost 18 year-old sister who still hangs her sixth-grade shirts due to a hoarding problem. She also wears my clothes. She takes the hanger with it and then when she gives the clothing item back, she seems to forget to give the HANGER back, too.
Suspect two: A 13-year-old sister who did not used to hang up her clothes, but now does and seems to magically have hundreds of hangers (keep in mind that my mom has only bought her a couple of packs of hangers - some of those have to be mine). She also seems to hang up clothes that she would NEVER wear. Such a waste of a perfectly good hanger.
So, who is it? Who do I blame. Here are their replies when I ask them. Payton - "I may have taken 1 or 2." (One or two?? Seriously, try 20!!) Ashley - "I swear on Preston's life that I did not take any!"

Let's take a vote. Who do YOU think is the hanger thief? Suspect One - Hoarder Harry or Suspect Two - Wasteful Wanda?
Oh, and just a P.S. - this is my mom when the hanger wars begin. She gets quite the kick out of it.
Sincerely, a not-so-much-of-a-hanger-thief (okay, maybe just a couple times)

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