
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Welp. LIFE.

That's all I have to say.

 I'm just kidding. There's more. A lot more.

I spent my last couple of weeks with Mike at the beginning of August. We had some great times. We went to seven peaks, went to a wedding, went on dates, ate taquitos, listened to music, talked about our future, walked around temple square, spent time with my bike-wrecked brother at the hospital, argued a little, talked on the phone, watched movies (including my favorite movie, The Notebook), cuddled, kissed, and I did what I do best, smothered him. Lots. It's okay, though, he loves it.

So I guess you could say that we had some fun times our last days together. I enjoyed them, but, I always had "he's leaving" hanging over my head. It was hard to ignore.

The day came, August 16th, and we were on our way to St. George. My family, excluding my dad, and Madi's family, excluding her dad, all went. I guess you could say that it wasn't what I expected. It was a very, very fun trip, just being with my family and friends, don't get me wrong. But, it wasn't the way I wanted to leave Mike. We had some rocky times in our relationship. In the end, we talked about how we were feeling and fought it out so that we didn't have to end on a bad note. The last night I was there, he took me to Chili's, we swam in our hotel pool, and I gave him his present. I made this book for him that was 101 reasons why I love and adore him. I gave that to him and we both cried. It was one great night. I wish the rest of the trip could have been, also. The next day, Sunday, we stopped at his apartment to say goodbye. It was so hard. I cried when I walked away and when I got back to the car, my mom started crying, which made everything worse. I hated leaving him.

While he was away, I worked, went to school, and repeated. I talked to him a ton and we skyped, too. So, not so bad.

So, I guess the hardest part is over... taking him up there. Plus, I have gotten to see him much more than I thought I would. It is usually every two weeks. He came home August 30th and then left September 3rd. We had and AMAZING weekend together. On Thursday we played "catch up" when he got home. It was so great to see him. That night, we just hung out, watched tv, listened to music, and just enjoyed each other's company. Friday, we went and saw The Odd Life of Timothy Green. It was an adorable movie, to say the least. Very sad, however. I would definitely recommend it, though. After the movie, we spent the rest of the night at my house. I made us burnt grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches. He played some video games with Davis. Saturday, I went to the Bee's game with his family. It ended up getting rained out, so we went and saw Possession instead. Very good, but, very scary! Sunday, I did not see him because he had a party and was seeing a good friend. Then, Monday, I went to Snowbird with his family. It was for the Oktober Fest. I really enjoyed being with them. They are such fun people to be around. But, then came the dreaded good bye as he took me home after Snowbird. It was hard, even harder than the last time. Tears were shed, and he was on his way back to St. George.

Welp, another two weeks passed and it was time to go to St. George. Tay, Madi, Natalie, and I all went together. It was the epitome of an amazing weekend. I seriously think it was the best I have ever had. Mike and I got to spend literally every second together. I was so glad that Austin and Isaac joined us, also. We climbed up dixie rock, ate at Taco Bell, window shopped, swam in Taylor's aunt's pool, had sleepovers (so fun, but unusual with the guys), visited Tay's grandma (so cute), watched some sports games, got smoothies, and Mike and I enjoyed dinner at Chili's (our only alone time, really). What a blast it was! This weekend will be one to remember forever.

Anyway, I am so thankful for my friends. They have helped me so much while Mike has been away. They give me lots of fun times and make me so happy. I love them so much and I don't know what I would do without them.

And, we were off again. Yet another, awful, dreaded goodbye. But, I just have to wait for the next visit. He is coming down next weekend. YAY.

You know what they say... "Absence makes the heart grow fonder." It is true! I am closer to Mike than I have ever been, even though we are so far away from one another. We are making it work.

I love the crap out of him.

Sincerely, a very, very, lucky girl. <3

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Oh, The Joys of Life

Well I have been feeling very... weird, lately.

It's sort of like postpartum depression... but, I didn't just give birth to a child, and I am not depressed. I feel like that towards graduating and just starting college.

I guess adulthood has really started to set in and take a toll on me.

The most exciting part of my day is deciding what shows to catch up on, after, and only after, my other priorities have been shown some care.

School and work, sleep, repeat. It is an ongoing process that can leave one feeling very lackadaisical and bored.

On top of everything, Mike is gone. I miss him like crazy!

Wellll... farewell for now.

Next time, I promise I will have a more optimistic look on life.
That's all for now folks. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Blog is a Girl's Best Friend

I haven't written on this thing for so long. I could go on and on to say that I have been very busy, but, there is no excuse.

This blog deserves a little more attention than I have been giving to it.

Seriously though, life has been so busy. However, busy in a good way. I have been adoring life.

I guess that's a good way to put it.

Welp, tonight I think I may be coming down with a slight case of insomnia, so, I am deciding to give my blog some much-needed attention.

Let's do some catching up here...

First off,

I feel very blessed with all that has come into my life at this time. The other day at church I was called to be a primary teacher, now that I am old enough. This was the perfect opportunity for me. I absolutely love working with kids. I was ecstatic.

I guess you could say that I have been struggling spiritually lately. I just feel distant. I have been trying to do better, which, is working very well for me, surprisingly. Mike and I decided to read the Book of Mormon together and that has brought me so much closer to my Savior the past ten days. We don't always get to read together, but we stay in the same place for each night. It has worked very well.

I know that this new calling that I have been given is going to help me so much. It will enable my testimony of this gospel to grow more, while I am doing what I love. I can hardly wait.

I knew that something was missing in my life. I think I have regained that missing piece, finally.

Second off,

I met Mike. You may think this name looks familiar. That's because I have written about him before. So much has happened since those last blogs, though. Our relationship has grown so immensely. I am so grateful and lucky to have him in my life. I love him.

So, yes, a lot of my time has been spent with this Mike guy. But, every second I spend with him is worth it. He makes me the happiest person in the world. We complete each other, and that's all I can ask for, is someone that will better me as a person. He does just that, and I hope that I do the same for him.

I have approximately twenty-four days left with the person that I absolutely adore, and I HAVE to make every second count. He is attending Dixie State for college and I am attending Salt Lake Community College. Without him, it will be hard, don't get me wrong. But, it will be worth it. Our relationship will be tested and I am sure my love for him will grow even more. Also, it will better prepare me for when he leaves on his two-year mission next year.

I can honestly and whole-heartily say that I hope to spend the rest of my life with this man. To me, he is perfect. He is everything I ever wanted.

Third off,

I have been having a fantastic summer! Which, gives for little blog time. Or, maybe it's the fact that I am a lazy, graduated, high school student, enjoying these last few childhood moments. Who knows! Although a good amount of my time is spent at the ol' chicken house, I have been able to have some fun. My dear friend, Madi, brings me lots of joy. We have even developed our own language that has clearly been adapted to by several of our loved ones. You guys can all thank us later, for creating the language. Madi, me yoves you yots. We have had many fun adventures together this summer and I am proud to say that we will still be joined at the hip for college, too. Yes, we have three classes together. Crazy, I know. But, we can't be separated. It will be an adventure! But, no I am not ready for real life and the college world to set in. My other best friend, Natalie has been working up at Bear Lake a good portion of the summer. I have not seen her much at all, which saddens my heart. But, she found this guy. I think he makes her really happy. She will be home soon, though. YAY! We can reunite. She, too, is going to SLCC with her two best buddies.

Fourth off,

Fourth off, I have been trying to give my family some attention. I know they probably feel like they are pushed to the back-burner sometimes, but I have been trying harder during the summer to do more things with them. It is just difficult for me to be around a lot during the school year. It is highly important to me that I find a good balance. This summer has been perfect. We have gone swimming, hiking to the hot springs, hiking to a lake, girls' day out, etc. I have enjoyed every second. I love them and am grateful for each one of them and all that they do for me.

So, yes, blog, I guess you could say that I have found a new love (you used to be mine) and I have been extremely busy, or maybe just having a lot of fun. This summer, although not over yet, will definitely be one to remember. I just know it.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Best Day Ever: Junior Prom

I have to say... yesterday had to be one of the best days. The best dance yet. As I already said in a previous post, Mike asked me to Junior Prom. Well, yesterday was Junior Prom.

Mike had a water polo game which made it so we couldn't join the rest of our group for the day activity, which was totally fine with me. Instead he picked me up at ten and we went to Village Inn. It was a nice breakfast. Both of us ordered the VIB meals. It was so fun. Our conversations come so easily about anything and everything. I love it. When we got done, we headed to Kearns for his game. The parking lot was full so we had to park at the high school. We watched the girl's game first. He tried to explain it a little bit. Needless to say, I was still confused. It's a lot like soccer, though. It wasn't too bad. Then, it was time for his game. I watched that. They lost by two. After, I met his family. They were really nice. His younger sister was really fun to talk to. She is in eighth grade. He got dressed and then we left. It was only two so he asked if I wanted to go to Ab's. He doesn't eat treats or anything sweet so he just got a diet coke. I got this rootbeer freeze thing. It was really good. We talked about nail biting after discovering that we both bite our nails. It was hilarious. He dropped me off after and walked me to the door. He is so great.

I got ready because he said he was coming around four thirty. Then, when I was all ready and dressed, he told me it would be like an hour later. So, I lay down and took a nap for an hour. I woke up with a line on my face and drool on my cheek because I didn't want to shut my mouth and ruin my lipstick. I had to get up and fix myself. haha. My mom got back with my boutenniere right on time. He got there. We tried to put on the boutonniere and got a little bit stuck. I finally got it. :)

I absolutely love this picture. 

My mom had to take a bunch of pics.


We drove with Jared, Michelle, Austin, and Gilline. We first stopped at Isaac's house to take some pictures. We had so many people in our group. It was around thirty to forty people. After taking pictures, we left for the Spaghetti Factory. I was so happy that we were going there because I love that place! When we got there, we had to wait a little while since we were late. Then, we finally got seated. We had two really long tables for everyone. It was so fun! While we waited, we all played the games in the kid coloring books. Mike found all of the words in the crossword puzzle except for two. It was ridiculous. However, I did beat him at the box game. haha. It was funny. Then, we got our food. I got the mizithra as usual and he got the spaghetti with mizithra. It was a fun dinner. There was this kid there that I didn't know. I guess he was Jared's cousin. He was so funny. I wanted someone to do a toast. I asked Mike but he wouldn't. Then that guy did. It was so funny! I loved it. We all got our ice cream afterward. It was good as always. Going to the bathroom was kind of tricky. Jennie and Taylor both had to hold up my dress. We all did the same for one another. It was quite the experience. ha.

After dinner we all headed to the dance. It was at the Cultural Center. I thought it was really cool there. We took pictures first and then headed to the floor. Our group was so fun. The dance was great. There was a slow song eventuallly. Taylor (Nat's date) was MIA, so we let her join us until he came back. Then, we danced around everyone. It was great. :) The dance got over at ten and we all headed out to the parking lot talking about how we were going to have a dance party out there. Someone beat us to the idea. The song "We are Young" came on. Mike loves that song. We danced to it in the parking lot. It was so fun! Then, we finally left. Jared dropped me and Mike off at his house. His parents took some pictures and then we changed. His family is so nice. I love them! After that we went to Jared's house.

When everyone finally got there, we went back to his grandparents' house. It is so cool. It's a circular house. the family room is a circle with a tramp in the ground and a big projector. Two of the moms had set up this big snack table. There was a chocolate fountain and everything. It was wonderful! We waited some more and when everyone got there, we watched Prom Night. It's a scary movie. Mike and I sat on this hard, homemade couch. It was very uncomfortable but it was okay. We somehow made it work. He kept trying to guess everything that would happen in the movie, but I wouldn't tell him. After midnight, he reminded me that it was his birthday. I got to be the first to tell him kind of. :) haha. When the movie was over, we all said goodbye. It was about one thirty by then. On the way home I told him about my creepy neighbor and he got all freaked out. It was pretty funny. When we got there, he walked me to my door being the gentleman that he is and said goodbye.

I have to say, it was one of the best days I have had.

Sincerely, me.

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Friends are DEF Better Than Yours

This happened some time ago. March 2nd of this year, to be exact.

The day of my birth.

Okay, so it wasn't that long ago.

But, it is definitely blog-worthy. My life has just been crazy lately and blogging has gotten thrown to the back burner. Sorry, blog, I still love you. You are still my favorite thing in this world besides maybe a few things. But, still.

Onward and upward.

I could tell you how I came about and all, but, you already know. Besides, you came to this world the same exact way. I mean, maybe mine was extraordinary to my parents, but not to you (whoever that is reading this, if anyone at all).

It was my eighteenth birthday.

My morning started out with dance practice at flipping five fifty AM. After dance, I went to get some help in math because there was a test that day. Madi came in and she brought me a donut. She is extraordinaire and I love her. I went about my day, getting many birthday wishes. Bekah Clawson even brought cookies for our whole seminary class. It was so nice of her! It was a pleasant birthday, to say the least.

Now, I could just end there. But, don't worry, there's more.

When I got home, I showered. Then I got ready because I was planning to at least do something with my friends. Payton wanted to curl my hair, so I let her. After I was all ready, I decided to take like a ten minute power nap. All of the sudden, my mother comes in saying that I can't take a nap for some odd reason. I didn't care. I was too tired to listen. Then, like ten minutes later (seemed like an hour), my mom comes running in saying that I am being kidnapped. My mom and sisters were freaking out and making me get up and get my stuff. Then, they blind folded me. They guided me outside and put me in a vehicle with blasting music. I knew it was Madi's car the second I stepped foot in there. No one would talk to me the whole car ride. It was very depressing. haha they did hit me with sticks and tie my arms together every time I would talk. I pretty much figured out who was in the car by the time we got to our destination because of their scents.

We finally arrived. Everyone got out except for one person. I knew it was Jennie because I could feel her dry thumbs against mine. They let us out of the car. Natalie carried me out. (I could hear her loud coat.) Then we started walking. I could smell cigarette smoke so I said it. Apparently there was a guy smoking and they were all embarrassed. It was hilarious. We went into a building. I knew that we were at the Spaghetti Factory because of the smell. I walked in saying that. They were all yapping at me to be quiet because I was disturbing everyone. I wasn't even talking that loud. They FINALLY let me take the blind fold off. They were all surrounding me. It was Jennie, Taylor, Madi, Natalie, and Cadee. I knew it!! haha. We got seated at a comfortable little booth. They gave me my presents. They got me a zhu zhu pet that we soon named Wiener Hammy. We let him crawl all over the table. The waiter was a little weirded out to say the least. Also, they got me the unicorn from despicable me. He can unzip and a house comes out and then he can go back in his house. It is so cute. They also got me this special lotion for my dry hands. (My hands have healed, btw.) They are so sweet and I love them all to death. We all ordered mizithra, of course. It was so good, as always. Very easy for the waiter, too! Cadee even talked the waiter into giving us extra ice cream. He was great. We left him a tip and put the money in this cute design. He better have been thankful. Lucky man.

After dinner, we decided that we would go answer Mike back for Junior Prom. We went to the store and got the stuff. When we got back to Tay's house, she had just gotten asked to Junior Prom. There was little boy boxer briefs around the room. They had letters in them. Tyler Jensen had asked her. So, what we did is painted our stomachs with "YES!!!" and headed out. Right as we were pulling out of the garage, Mike and all of his little buddies came running out of their car which they parked right in front of Taylor's house. We left. First, we answered Tyler. We knocked and he came out and we yelled Y-E-S-!-!-! and threw candy at him. It was hilarious. Then, we went to Isaac's house where the other guys were. We went sneaking down the street. When we got there, we laid out a poster that said "I would be grapeful to go to prom with you!" Then we did the same thing with our painted stomachs, but, threw grapes instead. They all ducked for cover as we threw them and ran away. It was pretty funny! When we got back, Tay's cousin told us all about her love life and stuff.

We had many intentions of crazy things we could do that night. Streaking, skinny dipping, pranks, etc. Well, none of that happened. It's okay. It was a great night!

I love my friends. They are truly the best.

They next day, my mom, Payt, Tay, Madi, and I went dress shopping and to Arby's. It was a fun, fun day! I love dress shopping.

That night, grandma and grandpa came over for my family birthday party. We had pizza and brownies with ice cream. It was a nice, relaxing night. I got lots of money and a big treat basket.

I am so thankful for the wonderful people in my life. I don't know what I would do without any of them.

Sincerely, a grateful progeny.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Asked For The First Time

Last week, on Thursday, February 23rd, I got asked to Jr. Prom.

I was sitting in my room when I got a call from Jared Hancock. He asked if I was home and if I had been asked yet. That wasn't obvious at all! haha

About ten minutes later, there was a big bang at the door. My dad answered and yelled for me to come down. I go out on the porch and these three guys in banana costumes jump out and start dancing to the banana song. It was hilarious! Then, they were like, "Look behind you!" So, I looked behind me and there was this banana (look above) sitting there. I picked it up and went inside. It said, "I would go bananas if you went to Jr. Prom with me." I was so excited. Mike Peters asked me.

It should be fun.

Now, I get to go dress shopping.

Oh, and I guess I should answer him back.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Vow

The Vow will be here in five days. FIVE DAYS, I say. Wow. I can't even express how excited I am. There is a big group of us going. About twenty-six people. It will be a blast.

I am kind of nervous to see it, though. Why? Because I will go into depression mode for like a month after, just like I did when I saw Dear John.

That is how Channing makes me feel.

Ahhh. It will be a bitter-sweet moment.

Can hardly wait.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Night of Cosmo

It was Friday, January 27th.

We originally wanted to go to the Sundance Festival, sleep in Madi's car, freeze our butts off, and drive home in the morning.

Do original plans ever work?

Not ususally. Just saying.

Taylor had tickets to the gymnastics meet at the University of Utah. We settled for that. Cadee, Madi, and I went to Taylor's around five thirty. She had made sloppy joes and cookies for us. What a sweetie! We ate and talked about all of this drama going on with drill and dance co.

Then, we left for the meet. We did get lost, of course. Cadee called Mason and he somewhat directed us there. Then we just asked a sweet old man and he helped us. The gymnasts were amazing! It was so entertaining to watch them, I must say. We had fun. Cadee got to talk to good ol' Mason, too. So that was a plus, for her. It was fun.

On the way home we were forced to jam to country music (Cadee and Taylor's idea). I wasn't really for it. But, who am I to decide the station when I am planted in the backseat.

When we got back to the valley we decided to stop at Chickfila. After deciding it wasn't worth it, we went to McDonald's. By that time, Natalie was off work and met us there. We sat in our original booth.

Cadee had been talking about dying her hair all night. After some convincing, we went to Walmart. After standing on the hair-dye aisle for probably thirty minutes. They decided on a color. Natalie, too, decided to have Taylor do her hair.
We got to Tay's. She started on Cadet's hair. Cadee was freaking out about getting her hair done. Like, literally. It was hilarious. Natalie let us in on a deep secret of hers. It was a hard moment. We both cried. Stuff from the past was brought up and I felt guilty.

Cadee's hair turned out so cute! It is a rich brunette color. She is still considering cutting it, too. Taylor started on Natalie's after that. We were all getting tired. I started acting weird.

All night, I kept thinking of things to tweet. But, I don't have a twitter. So, I created one. Simply. While I was doing that, I made Natalie one. They all made fun of me for correcting Natalie's grammar errors on FB.

Natalie's hair was done being dyed. She combed it out for a whole twenty minutes as Taylor lay on the couch. Once she was done, Tay was asleep. Madi and Cadee were already out by that time. Natalie and I decided to just go to bed and let Tay cut Natalie's hair later. While we were about to lie down, Tay woke up and thought she was going to cut Natalie's hair. It was pretty funny.

It was a fun night.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Date Night

So Saturday, I was just working away at Chickfila.

Then, I see Maddy and Linsey. I thought they were just coming to get some food. Then, they proceeded with "would you mind if we set you up on a date?" I laughed and wondered who this being could possibly be. It was Jared Hancock. I agreed, because, what the heck!

I got off work around four and ate some food. When I got home I just sat there and did some good ol' facebooking . That was productive. Then, Shalai text me telling me the details and that I needed to text Jared. He already knew that we were going, but, I needed to text him anyway. Turns out, it was the girls asking the guys. Of course! haha.

So, I got ready ever so quickly, getting rid of the breaded chicken stench. I went to meet at Shalai's house around 5:30. However, when I got there it seemed to be that no one was there. (I didn't really think to ring the doorbell, I just knocked.) Maddy and Linsey showed up and they were smart. Shalai came over her speaker and we were through the front door in a matter of seconds. Maddy had gotten pizza. Shalai just finished getting ready and then we left.

Maddy and Linsey drove together and Shalai drove with me. We went and picked up the guys. When we got to Jared's house, they weren't there because Mike had to go get another jacket. haha. They finally got there and we went back to Shalai's. When we got there, we had the guys wait upstairs as we got the food ready. Then, we hid in the closet at the bottom of the stairs. When they came down, we "attempted" to jump out and scare them. But, when we jumped out, they were at the top and were no where near frightened. It was hilarious.

We all sat down to our pizza. We had one whole paper towel to split between all of us. We got our own little triangles of napkin. It was a funny little dinner.

The boys were curious as to what we were doing next. We let them guess about twenty-eight times and they didn't guess it. When we went upstairs, Shalai's mom blurted it out on accident. Jared was the only one that heard, but didn't believe that we would really go.

After that, we drove to Nickelcade. They were very excited when we got there, to say the least. When we got there, we split off with our dates to have our little competition. It was fun. We lost. Jared and I got a total of thirty-four tickets; that is all. We got a whole eleven fruities and a spider ring with our tickets.


After playing a number of games and being at Nickelcade for a couple of hours, we left. We drove home while Shalai put her pixie stick in our hair and made us do "fun facts". When we got out of the car, everyone wanted to do "fun facts".

We decided to play some Catch Phrase. Mike and Jared insisted on breathing down my neck as it was my turn to go. They messed me up several times. Austin and I were the worst at the game, I guess. Well that's what they all said. WHATEVER. haha.

Everyone began to get bored, so we looked for another game. We tried to play some weird mars game. That was just weird and inappropriate. Everyone just kind of wandered for a while. Then, we had to do some talking in the room. The boys were all lying on the ground in various places when we came out. It was very odd. Then, we decided to watch White Chicks. That movie was hilarious. I had never watched it before. It was late and everyone needed to go home when the movie was over.

Shalai and I went to drop our boys off. We freaked out after dropping them off because of certain reasons that I will not state, just in the safety of my being.

ha. Well I dropped her off after that.

It was a great night!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Dancing, Dancing, and More Dancing

Lately, I have been very busy with dance company. We started our concert practices after Christmas break. I love it, though. So far, I have learned four dances and I love them all. I still have five more to learn.

Anyway, this past week, we had mini clinics. I was with Shalai, Natalie, Joanna, Chelsea, and Lauren. We were in charge of the sixth to eighth graders. I wasn't too excited for that group because it is the pre-teen and just barely teen years. However, they were way fun to work with. They danced to a Janet Jackson song. All of the groups had an eighties theme to go along with our eighties hip hop dance.

The practices were on Tuesday, January 17th, and Wednesday, January 18th. Then, we performed at the basketball halftime on the 20th.

The performance went great! All of the mini clinic girls did awesome. Dance Company performed after all of them. It was one of the funnest performances yet. There were SO many people there.

We have performed our 80's-themed hip-hop dance several times now. It has been an exciting routine. I love it! We still have one more time to perform it, too.

We wore ugly sweaters the day of one of our halftime performances. 

After the game I did some chatting with my family and drank my lovely naked drink that my secret sister gave me. So good, btw. Then, I wanted some food. So, Natalie and I drove to Chickfila and met Madi there. She had been working. I ate and also got a delicious shake with cherry juice in it (my new-found love.) Natalie informed me of two secret loves she has. One is L_ _ _ _ _ H_ _ _ _ _ _ and the other is M_ _ _ P_ _ _ _ _. I had to guess them and it took me literally all night. Well, not really. But still. Boy, was I surprised. It was quite funny.

When we were done, we went to Jessica Turley's house to play Just Dance and hang out. It was so fun! Natalie and Madi stared at the butts, which they are obsessed with.

Then we took some timer pictures.

Be funny with someone, guys. 

Be solemn with someone, guys. 

Be solemn, guys 

Anyway, it was a fun night!

Madi slept at my house because her parents wanted a night alone at the house...

Monday, January 16, 2012

Car Funds

Today I made a bank. I got a pickle jar and colored on it.

But, as you know, I do have a shopping addiction.

Which means, I had to hot glue it shut in order to not break it open in "time of need".

I need a car. My parents and grandpa promised that they will help me buy a car
only if I save up money, too.

To a shopping addict, or any addict, that can sound really impractical.

But, with a good ol' hot glue gun, it may be possible.

We'll see how this goes.


Sincerely, a very blithe and hopeful sprout.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Supernatural Friends

I have something to tell you.

My friends - they have super powers.

They really don't. However, we like to watch Supernatural. That kind of makes us think we have super powers.

I have no idea what I'm even saying. On with my story...

On this beautiful, very beautiful, four day weekend of ours, we have had some fun. Thursday, the 12th of January was our last day of school. Well, just our last day for a four day break. But still. I had work that night, so I took a nap to prepare myself only to find that when I woke up, my shift had been cancelled. So stupid.

BUT, It was okay; I went back to sleep. What else would I do. When I woke up, I had texts from Taylor H. and Brooke. They wanted to know what the plans were. I proceeded to tell them that I would text them when I got off work. Yes, I was going crazy because remember, my shift had been cancelled. Also, it was like eight at night. Anyway, after realizing my stupidity, I humored them. Then, I picked Taylor up and Brooke met us at Chickfila.

We all got some food and just sat and talked while we waited for Madi to get off of work. She got off at about nine luckily, and Natalie met us there as well. Then, we were off to a night of Supernatural.

When we got to Madi's, the tv was in use, so we all cuddled up on Madi's bed and watched PLL for about an hour.

Finally the theater room was ready for us and we were ready for it. We all got settled and started Supernatural. It is a tv series, BTW. Brooke owns every season. Then, the volume needed turned up and no one would get up. Finally Madi did, but when she did, she left the door opened. Suddenly, it started to creepily open and we all freaked out of course. It was so scary. We watched about five shows. Natalie was the only one who stayed up to watch all of those. The rest of us were in and out, seeing only parts of each one. Finally, at about five, we crashed in Madi's room.

Those shows are so creeeeepy.

The next morning we woke up and went to Village Inn. It was a delightful meal. Brooke left after eating. Then, the four of us went and sat in Natalie's drive way thinking of what to do next. We sat there for a good hour. I was getting hot and kept opening the door and they would all yell at me.

Finally, we decided to go shopping. Taylor had to go home, so it was just the three of us left. We went to Fashion Place. We did not get ready and looked like complete scum bags. It was okay though. I just wanted to go to H&M. I got three shirts, a blazer, and a dress. The other two didn't get anything. Natalie said she couldn't shop when she felt gross. I still managed to. While shopping, I saw a man, whose name I will not say. I looked so gross. It was terrible. I just wanted to crawl in a pit and eat some pizza. He has a girl friend though, so why do I even care? Who knows. We'll leave that up to Beavus. Anyway, when he was gone, I ran away. We left the mall shortly. Then, went to Valley Fair. Madi got some shoes at Famous Footwear. Then, we all got large dipped cones and Dairy Queen. I was supposed to work that night, but again, they called and cancelled my shift.
Since my shift was cancelled, I went with Madi to babysit her cousins. There were two boys and one girl. The little girl was adorable. I was wearing my dance company sweats with a paw on the back. She was like, "Kenzie, do you have a clue on your pants?" Like from Blues Clues. Haha I laughed for a good five minutes when I realized what she was saying. Also, I put marbles down her shirt. She kept scratching her butt all night. When we changed her diaper we found that one of them was in there. That explains why she hated me after I had put them down her shirt. It was so funny. She cracked a lot of jokes. Natalie came later. We all played with the kids. They got crazy and Madi ran around with a blanket and an accent, yelling at them, telling them that they were in a safari. I guess she was trying to make wind? who knows. She is so odd sometimes. The kids literally beat us up.

Finally, the parents got home and we left. Natalie went home. Madi and I went to hang out with Thomas. We went to Smith's and got some treats and then just went and pretty much talked until he had to leave.

I slept at Madi's again. The next morning, I went home and cleaned my room and then went to work at five. That was very enjoyable. haaa.

After work, I watched a movie with my mother. It was "I don't know how she does it". It was good, except for I didn't finish it, and I have no idea how it ended.

Then, this morning, I went to Jordan's homecoming. It was a good sacrament. We had good food after. It was all food that he had made in the Philippines. Very good!

Then, Natalie, Madi, and I talked about our senior trip. I came home and organized my room and slept.

Oh, and I finally got some personal progress done tonight. Good thing, since I will be an adult in like fifty days. Yikes. No.

Well that was my weekend.

Bye, blog.

It Was Pretty Much a Flash Mob

Dance Company was approached by Kathy (Cadee's mother). She was over a huge event that her work was putting on. They had an idea to get all of the high up people of the CR England company singing on stage to Life is a Highway, but, with their own lyrics. She wanted us to dance in between the tables while they put on their show. So, they "hired" us. Well, technically not since we are underage. We had to go through an audition process with Kelley. Twelve people were going to be picked. I made it! Then we had about three practices to prepare. The song was hideous with their high-pitched voices. But, hilarious, I must say.

Welp, the day came. It was Thursday, January 12th. We drove to the Grand America very speedily because we were late, of course. When we got there, we ran in the building. The Grand America was beautiful. Once we found where the event was taking place, we dropped our bags and went to rehearse. We realized how close the tables were and freaked out just a little.

After practicing for quite some time, we went and waited for it to start. We just sat in an event room and talked about numerous things. Boys, kissing, etc, etc.. It was fun. Finally, it was time that we could eat breakfast. There was a whole plethora of fruit and croissants. It was delightful! Everyone had several servings and we pretty much wiped them out of the food.
It was time to perform and we were ready. After putting on our bright red lipstick to make us look somewhat older, we lined up. The music began, and we casually walked out to where all of the people were sitting. The place was packed. How on earth were we supposed to dance in between the tables. Ridiculous thought. We were pretending to just be waitresses, watching the performances. Then, surprise, we started dancing. Once I got to my spot, I came to the realization that I was pretty much dancing on top of the people around me. After wacking people in the head, kicking peoples' legs, and stepping on their toes, the dance came to and end and we snapped our way out of there. Oh, and not forgetting to pass out the "higher road" guitar picks.

What a fun experience. Not to mention, but, we also go paid. Way exciting! Once it was over, we rushed back to the school in our outfits and I had a math final to take.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Blogging. It seemed exemplar at the moment since I had some brief seconds to spare on that oh-so-fast ticking clock of mine. It's like it never stops ticking.

BUT since blogging is my best friend, I must give it some attention. Like seriously, it might replace me with a new blogger or something. That is the utter most terrifying thought.

you never know; trust me.

So anyway, I'm on here, with nothing in particular to write. It's almost like I had this awe-inspiring idea to write on my blog, for again, no reason. However, when I get on here, my mind is blank and I end up typing endless letters of pretty much nothing.

I wish I could be a columnist so that I could have something to write about. Until then, I'll continue writing about time, school, feety pajamas, lawn gnomes, shopping addictions, friends, and pretty much anything & everything.

I know, I'm boring you to death.

Wait, who are you that is actually reading this?

Anyway, life kind of feels inelegant at the moment. I can't get over it.

Don't you just sometimes wish that you could get in another person and be them for like a day or so. I do.

Well, I'm done with my "waller in self-pity" session.

Bye, blog.

I'll probably be back tomorrow, knowing I'll probably feel the exact same way.


sincerely, a very outlandish-feeling adolescent.